Ep. 14 Girls Who Print: Guest Paula Fargo, Curry Print

In this episode of the #GirlsWhoPrint series, Paula Fargo, President at Curry Print joins Deborah Corn, and Kelly Mallozzi, to discuss cultivating customer satisfaction, the Entrepreneurial Operating System, and the vital role of mentorship in her approach to running a business and beyond.  


Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Girls Who Print: https://girlswhoprint.net

EOS: https://www.eosworldwide.com/

Traction: https://www.amazon.com/Traction-Get-Grip-Your-Business/dp/1936661837

Get a Grip: https://www.amazon.com/Get-Grip-Entrepreneurial-Journey-Results-ebook/dp/B009K44DQY

NPSOA: https://npsoa.org/

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