Podcasts from The Printerverse is an amazing opportunity to share thought leadership and information about products and services with our growing global audience of print and marketing professionals.

We are looking for partners to sponsor and participate in topical discussions, and to share information and resources about the tools that are driving print and marketing success for print businesses, and print customers.

We have a variety of Podcast Packages. 

Print Media Centr handles all recording and production.

Podcasts can be recorded in person, or through an online platform via VoIP or phone.

Once posted, Podcasts can be embedded on your site, in blogs, and anywhere you can add an embed code (like a YouTube video) to drive traffic your way.

Print Media Centr posts all Podcasts on this site, and promotes all programming and partners throughout the year – and beyond!

Please contact deborah@printmediacentr.com for a proposal, and thanks for your interest.