Now Trending with Katie Fisher and Felix Blackburn, XMPie

Katie Fisher, Regional Sales Executive, and Felix Blackburn, Canadian Sales Manager, at XMPie, join Deborah Corn to discuss the trending needs of printers identified at Printing United, unlocking XMPIE for cross-media marketing, and the role of AI in personalization. (Transcript and PDF download below)


Mentioned in This Episode: 

Katie Fisher:

Felix Blackburn:


XMPie Podcast Conference:

Printing United: 

Deborah Corn: 

Print Media Centr:

Project Peacock: https://ProjectPeacock.TV

Girls Who Print:

PDF Transcript




[0:00:05] DC: It takes the right skills and the right innovation to design and manage meaningful print marketing solutions. Welcome to Podcasts From the Printerverse, where we explore all facets of print and marketing that create stellar communications and sales opportunities for business success. I’m your host, Deborah Corn, the Intergalactic Ambassador to the Printerverse. Thanks for tuning in. Listen long and prosper. 




[0:00:32] DC: Hey, everybody. Welcome to Podcasts From the Printerverse. This is Deborah Corn, your Intergalactic Ambassador. And today I am here with Team XMPie. XMPie, the leading provider of software for cross-media, variable data one-to-one marketing. Offers solutions to help businesses create and manage highly visual and engaging print and digital communications either as singular pieces or part of an omnichannel campaign. 


And today, I am joined by Katie Fisher. She is the Regional Sales Executive for the South-Central US. And podcast veteran, Felix Blackburn. The Canadian Sales Manager. Felix was part of the XMPie Podcast Conference that you can find on Podcasts From the Printerverse. That was a very entertaining program and informative. Welcome back to the program. And welcome to the program, Katie. 


[0:01:30] KF: Great to meet you, Deborah. And I’m excited about our topics today.


[0:01:34] DC: Excellent. Hi, Felix. 


[0:01:36] FB: Hello. Thank you very much for the kind introduction. 


[0:01:40] DC: Oh, please. You guys are the best. I stopped by your booth at PRINTING United and we had a really interesting conversation about getting together for this podcast and recapping the trends that you guys saw at the trade show. Obviously, workflow, customization, and personalization are very topical in the printing industry. And I was really interested. We see the articles written about it. We’ll see your interactions from a corporate perspective. You know what I mean. The industry reports on the show. 


But I really wanted to get a boots-on-the-ground, in-the-board perspective about what the printers are actually talking about, feeling about this subject. And there was nobody better than XMPie to do that. Because most of the printers I speak with either have XMPie or have used it at some point in their career and they certainly know what it is. 


With that kind of grandiose opening, Felix, I’m going to start with you. What were the trends that you were identifying in the – now, XMPie actually had two spots at Printing United. You were in the Xerox booth. And you had your own booth. I’m also interested if they were the same conversations in both places. Please.


[0:02:58] FB: That’s very interesting, Deborah. The show was a great venue for us. We had a lot of visitors. As we mentioned in the preparation of the podcast, a lot of printers have XMPie. We saw at the show the usual attendees, the users of XMPie. The guys in the pre-press shops and coming to see what’s new with the software. 


But we also saw a lot of executives coming into the booth and say, “Well, what else can I do with XMPie?” And that was a great opportunity in our own booth to show the other aspects. Obviously, with our great partner, Xerox, we tend to work with a lot of workflow applications. But in our own, we had more opportunities to have a wider range of discussions and discussions with people that are not necessarily Xerox printers. I think it was a great opportunity. 


Katie, what’s your perspective on the show? 


[0:03:50] KF: Yeah, Felix. As you were talking, I shared a lot of the same conversations and I think had the same takeaways. One thing I will add though is talking about the difference in the Xerox booth versus in our own section, I feel like the conversations that we were having over in Xerox tended to be more surrounding automation in so much as like web-to-print type applications and getting product to digital presses. Where I felt like in our section, we had a little bit different conversation. It was more on personalization, and versioning, and getting creativity and pieces out that were engaging to customers.

[0:04:32] DC: Keeping this on a 30,000-foot level, Katie, would you say that most people were aware of XMPie that you were speaking with? Or were they there to – they heard something about it? 


[0:04:42] KF: Yeah. It’s funny. I think everybody has heard the name XMPie. You get different varying degrees of knowledge as to our software organization. We get the people, like Felix mentioned, who maybe used our desktop tool for some variable personalization. And then you have other people that understand that we do other things outside of just personalization at a desktop level. 


And so, exciting to be able to have those conversations about what other things XMPie can offer. And touching on some of those more highly robust applications as well as some cross-media and some digital communications for full-service campaigns.


[0:05:22] DC: I’m really glad you brought that up. Because this is exactly what I want the meat of our conversation to be today. And you positioned it perfectly. You have a ton of customers. You have a ton of market share. But I guarantee you that some to many of your customers have no idea all of the things you can do with XMPie for whatever reason. They used it to immediately solve a problem and they just focus on that one thing and that one problem. 


I’d really like to take this section in two sections if possible. First, of your current customers, what were they looking for in regards to the next level that they want to get to with your software? And what was some of the conversations you were having around that? And then the second is the customers who maybe heard of XMPie or never heard of XMPie but came and wanted to discover how it could help them, what were their problems, so to speak? And why they thought that you were the solution for it? The first one is about your current customers and the ways you can help them expand. Felix, start with you.


[0:06:36] FB: Typical customers would come to us and say, “Oh, we’ve added this other piece of software. And how can we make them talk to each other?” I think integration into other systems is definitely the majority of compositions with our existing customers. 


The industry is much more mature today than it was 10 years ago. And XMPie came was a pioneer in a lot of applications that are just starting to scratch the service today. You mentioned cross-media. Cross-media has been around for a long, long time. Everybody’s been talking about cross-media, but only recently customers and printers are starting to look at applications and how can they sell more services to their clients with that option. And they don’t know that XMPie does it. So, we start this conversation. They’re like, “We’d like to expand our services. And we’d like to do this. And we’d like to do that. And how can XMPie help us?” And then we open the conversation saying, “Oh, but didn’t you know that XMPie has invested in cross-media for years? And did you know that this aspect is more productive? This aspect will bring you more revenue?” “Oh, I didn’t know that.” We had a lot of those conversations with existing customers and new customers.


[0:07:45] DC: Okay. Katie, let’s get really specific about that. How are you defining cross-media and what are the features and functionalities that they could add to make this all manifest? 


[0:07:57] KF: Deborah, that’s a great question. Looking back at some of the conversations I had, I see people that use us for variable print. And they know the effectiveness of our tool and some of the creativity that they can get out of the engaging pieces that they’re creating. 


But like Felix said, cross-media has been around for 10-plus years. A lot of printers out there they think, “Hey, I’d really like to be able to capture some of that additional communications capabilities that my customers are asking for.” And so, they start and they look at, “Well, I’m getting asked for emails.” That’s usually the first thing. 


And so, they go out and they try to find an application that’ll do emails. And they realize that there’s that connection there. You have to have pieces that communicate print and then emails that go along with them that have the same look and feel. That have the same engagement that are tied together. 


And it’s very challenging when you have separate tech stacks that are handling each silo in marketing communications. And so, where XMPie really helps out and where we can have that broader conversation with our customers is, “Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to not have to start fresh in every channel?” To be able to repurpose some of that logic that you’re creating. Some of the design aspects. And be able to offer more of a multi-channel campaign that could include not just the print and the emails, but perhaps personalized landing pages. Start incorporating personalized videos. And being able to offer that next level to your clientele.


[0:09:44] FB: That’s a great point, Katie. And we talked about cleaning list, and bettering your database and sorting out the people that are not responsive. Part of the sustainability. Cross-media is a way to do this. If somebody’s not responding to emails – and we all know that. I mean, we get hundreds of emails every day that we don’t even look at. We put them in the trash. 


If we have an opportunity to click on something and get a response. And to further along, I get an email message. I get a text message. If nobody responds to anything, you can clean up your list with that data, that information that you don’t have when you have silos that don’t talk to each other. 


A lot of marketing companies out there are doing email marketing. But they’re doing strictly email marketing. They don’t correlate to what happens in the print. Print is completely a different world for a lot of digital companies. XMPie is the only company that bridges the two seamlessly. Email, to print, to SMS. And we even have customers that use personalized videos to promote products. And those are awesome applications.




[0:10:52] DC: Print Media Centr provides printspiration and resources to our vast network of print and marketing professionals. Whether you are an industry supplier, print service provider, print customer, or consultant, we have you covered. With topical sales and marketing content, event support, and coverage, these podcasts and an array of community-lifting initiatives. We also work with printer suppliers and industry organizations helping them to create meaningful relationships with customers and achieve success with their sales, social media, and content marketing endeavors. Visit and connect with the printerverse. Print long and prosper.



[0:11:38] DC: I mean, obviously, these are customers of yours. They’re already not afraid of Technology. They’re not afraid to implement things. They’ve obviously implemented XMPie. 


Katie, specifically, what are the features or functionalities they could look for in your software or look to speak to people at XMPie to help them take it from just using as a personalization tool to using it in this cross-media way? And what type of training does XMPie offer to support your customers? 


[0:12:15] KF: Yeah. Thanks, Deborah. To continue that conversation, absolutely. XMPie, we’re a very modular solution. People can really start anywhere at that desktop level. They can grow to server-based applications as their volumes grow. And then they can move over into different application areas. 


Like while we’re talking now about cross-media, absolutely something that they can add to their XMPie ecosystem. As well, kind of that web-to-print that we talked about at the beginning of the conversation. And all along the way, XMPie is really there to support you. We have full-service training online through our XMPie campus. As things come up, you’re never alone. You’ve always got videos to kind of help guide you in different application areas. 


As well, we have on-staff instructors that can set up full-service training curriculums with you to work through or on a project basis. And then we have an application services team that can really help you develop that content and get things going. So you’re never alone with us. We’re there to kind of support you along the way, whether it’d be the additional licensing piece of it or kind of that whole implementation process. 


[0:13:32] FB: Yeah, Katie. Thank you for your input. I think there’s one more aspect. It’s the fact that we have the experience with different channels. A lot of our customers, they need to be guided. What is worth my time? What is worth my investment? And if they deal with somebody that has the experience, we can share with them, “Okay. Well, this application is worthy. Because it’s going to have a good return.” “Oh, that one may not be as good for your environment.” So our experience helps the printers be more efficient and get a better return.


[0:14:01] DC: The only thing I would add to that is, from a human perspective, you also have their trust. Because, otherwise, they wouldn’t be in your booth. They would be in someone else’s booth looking for another solution instead of coming to you and saying, “You’ve gotten me this far. I trust you. What is next for me?” I think that that’s a testament that your customers are coming to you and saying, “Help me do more. You’ve already helped me succeed in this area. Let’s get to the next level.” 


Speaking of getting to the next level, now I want to look at this as I’m a printer. I know I have to do something to expand my services. I know that I need to be able to have new conversations with my customers, which go to capabilities and things like that. Why were prospective customers coming to you? And most important, who were they? If you could put them in some sort of demographic bucket. We’ll start with you again, Felix. And that’s only because I saw Felix at the show and had a conversation with him. Katie, you were busy in the other booth.


[0:15:08] FB: We saw a lot of different people at the show and I think it’s hard to pinpoint exactly. We saw small printers. We saw large printers. I think the large printers have already started their journey into automation and to workflows. They came to very specific questions on how to do this specific thing. 


The smaller printers are coming to us because they’re starting to do those faster turnaround jobs that are like smaller and repeat more often. They need help in the preparation. They need help in capturing those new jobs. And we can help obviously with our automation tools. And based on the fact that we are in design, so we can help even further upstream. 


I think a lot of smaller printers, they focus on the downstream. They focus on taking a job that’s already created by a graphic designer and taking it in their workflows. And that’s fine. I mean, there’s nothing wrong with this. I was doing this as a printer 20 years ago. However, nowadays, you got to go a little bit further. You got to be more advanced in your helping customers order from you. 

I think our tools offer that solution. It helps create designs faster. Turn them around and push them into the workflows as opposed to strictly take the finished product and push it through the automation process. 


Katie, what do you think? 


[0:16:26] KF: Felix, I think those are all great points. And I saw a lot of that as well. One thing I will add is that you can almost even look back in that whole printing cycle even further to the origination of that document. And I had a couple of conversations where, really, people who had used traditional VDP, more transactional, more templated type work. And that work has really evolved, right? It’s no longer you know the billing, and the statements and things like that that are very templated and don’t change. Instead, they’ve more transitioned into more quick turn, more dynamic, more engaging, more relevant type pieces. And they want to look at being able to turn those quickly. So, have that speed, but not sacrifice any quality. 


And in the tools and the tech stack that they have existing, that there really is kind of not that middle ground there. It’s either I do it correctly and accurately. And it’s going to take a while. Or I do it quick and I don’t necessarily have the same graphical intent that I had really wanted. 


And XMPie, because our approach is a little different with that whole modern VDP approach, we’re able to really give them the best of both worlds. So, we can start with that really creative, engaging design document that’s coming out InDesign and not have to move out of that interface. Be able to stay there and actually do the engagement, the logic, the rules, and allow them to quickly turn those pieces.




[0:18:08] DC: News from the Printerverse delivers topical sales and marketing insight, along with plenty of printspiration, one time a month to inboxes everywhere. Our contributors cover the industry and the future of print media and marketing with a strategy for strengthening your customer relationships, better targeting of your prospects, and practical advice for helping your business grow. Printspiration is just a click away. Subscribe to news from the Printerverse at Print long and prosper.



[0:18:45] DC: I want to stick with you for a second and talk about the D in the VDP. The data portion. I’m really curious, regarding the potential customers that you spoke with, about how they’re currently feeling about data, about having conversations with their customers to get it. And whether they are fully starting to realize the advantages of offerings with data. 


[0:19:12] KF: Wow. That’s great, Deborah. I think that’s a huge topic. And I think at XMPie, we’re talking about that on a daily basis. And the data piece, I will say, back to kind of Felix’s smaller organizations, a lot of times they’re a little bit uncomfortable handling that data and aren’t exactly sure what to do with it. And so, we have a totally different conversation than we do with these organizations that have lived in data for 20-plus years. Looking at that data, I mean, we’re there to help support you along the way and find the right avenue to be able to utilize that data in an effective manner. 


[0:19:55] FB: That’s a good point, Katie. I think, in the past, the paradigm was a customer provides a big database of names that they’ve had for years and they just re-hash them. In today’s world, that doesn’t work anymore. First of all, with data security, with protection of confidentiality, especially in Europe and Canada. I’m from Canada obviously. Data is extremely critical to protect it to the individuality of the users. 


The Paradigm has completely changed nowadays. You need to massage your data all the time. You need to weed out those names that want to be weed-out. I think the approach of taking from big company and big databases down to users is not working anymore. You have to be able to not only push the data but also get the data. 


And that’s the key point with cross-media with XMPie. You don’t only use your data to push to the user. You collect data, “Oh, this user did this. So, he’s interested. So, let’s move the conversation to a different level.” So, we can help the conversation not just at the printing application, but also for marketing application. 


Not only can we take the data and use it, but we can actually push back and bring more customers to the fray. And those are marketing conversations. Printers need to talk to their customers and talk to what is it they’re trying to do. Are they trying to just push information the old way? Print millions and millions and millions of the same thing that goes 99% in the garbage? Or are they trying to help their users create better marketing applications? And that’s where we can help. Two-way communication. Not just one way, the old traditional push a lot of paper out there. 


[0:21:44] DC: I definitely agree with what you’re both saying. But I really still want to get way more organic with this. Because I think we talk pain points, we talk what are the fears that printers might have moving to this data step. And I’m going to say this, there’s a small printer out there and he has or she has access to a regional business that has five different landscaping companies, how do you convince them to go to that landscaping company and say, “Hi. I need your data,” without – you know what I’m saying? That is sort of where my question is coming from. 


The value of once you have it and what can be done with it for XMPie, I hope that everybody understands. If not, go get a demo very quickly. But I want to go further back and talk to those people who don’t know how to ask for data or know what the proper things to ask for are. Katie, how do you guys address that in, hopefully, a very calm manner? Because it’s very scary. I don’t like to ask for data. I don’t like it on my computer, you know? 


[0:23:04] KF: Oh, my. Wow. Deborah, I agree with you there. There’s so much data out there. People do have a little bit of fear allowing some of that outside of their control. And there are a couple ways that that can be addressed. One way is you only ask for the data that you really need, right? 


If we’re doing an engaging piece, we don’t need Social Security numbers. We don’t need you know the firstborn kids’ names or anything like that. Make sure that they understand that they want to provide you that information that it’s going to be utilized inside that document. Okay? And that could be name, address, but could also include demographic information. Could include past purchase history. Things like that that you’re using for that relevance feature. 


And then make sure that that data is transmitted securely to you. Don’t have somebody emailing over a list to you that they’re going to be used in that campaign. Make sure that there’s some sort of security in that transmission of that data. Whether it’d be going to a secure website or something like that. 


Felix, did you want to add to that?


[0:24:13] FB: Yes. I’d like to add something that’s important. And I think maybe it’s less important in the US because the laws are a little bit different. But with GDPR – 


[0:24:20] DC: Well, you guys are pushing us, unfortunately. If we have Canadians on our list, we have to adhere to your standards. 


[0:24:28] FB: Exactly. And it’s important for printers to know that one of the key aspects of using the data to email is to provide the capability for the users to unsubscribe. 


Deborah, you’ve used email marketing tools, I’m sure, outside of XMPie and you’ve seen that the first thing that is in every single package is the ability to unsubscribe. And you get that out of the box with XMPie. That’s an important aspect. Dealing with somebody that has the experience of managing data will provide you with a better service to your clients. And we understand that very well. And that’s just a small example, the unsubscribe. But there’s a lot more to it. And give control to the users. And give interface. And give – when we say cross-media, it’s not just pushing data to the customer. It’s also providing personalized email and websites. So the user can just check into his data, “What is it that this company knows about me?” We can provide that as part of the package. A lot of the rules, law, and regulations are built into a platform with a company like XMPie who has been dealing with this for a long time, especially outside of the US. 




[0:25:42] DC: Like what you hear? Leave us a comment. Click a few stars, share this episode, and please subscribe to the show. Are you interested in being a guest and sharing your information with our active and growing global audience? Podcasts are trending as a potent direct marketing and educational channel for brands and businesses who want to provide portable for customers and consumers. Visit, click on podcast, and request a partner package today. Share long and prosper.



[0:26:15] DC: Okay. As the most non-technical person on this podcast, I’d like to actually make a suggestion to the printers out there on a great way to open up the data conversation with people who might be afraid of giving you their data. And I’m not talking about a major corporation. They know that they need to do database marketing. I’m talking about – like I said, we’ll use this regional landscaping company as an example. 


And I love the predictive thing. Because you already know things about people. And if we look at landscaping, there are certain times of the year that you plant certain things. There’s literally a schedule built in for it. It’s actually a great example. If you’re a printer, print up a couple of postcards. One with tulips on it. One with roses on it. One with fruit trees on it. Oranges, right? Bring it to the landscaping company and say, “We would send this one to all your customers who always plant tulips, or buy tulip bulbs from you, or offer those people a deal on that,” and so on and so forth for the other ones. And give them a visualization of what it would be like the actual engagement of a human to see something that has meaning for them on the cover of a postcard besides a logo of their company. What do you think about that? 


[0:27:41] FB: I think it’s good, Deborah. I think the key is to know who it is and have this information or develop that information. And I think that’s where AI can help us a lot. We were showing at the show of this new AI application that was basically putting more information about what the user came from and it would actually describe. Let’s say you enter this form and you say you’re from Atlanta. You would get a piece that would be personalized to you and would talk about Atlanta today. What are the key features and what’s happening in Atlanta? 


I think AI can greatly help us with data, and that personalization and that variability to be more effective. Because just having data and just the tulip color is great. But it does not necessarily address why do you print tulip. Oh, maybe you print tulip because of this event. Maybe you’re printing tulip because there’s – AI will – 


[0:28:32] DC: In this case, we’re printing a tulip because the landscapers have customers that every year they go and they plant tulips. So, they can predict that they might be doing it again this year. And then if they’re going to speak to those people, make them an offer specifically about tulips, there’s not roses on the – or a generic photo on the thing. 


I’m just saying, it’s a visualization of the possibilities. So, everybody who is in the tulip category gets the tulips. I also like to use this example with vets. Don’t send me a picture of an iguana if I have a dog, right? Or even my dog could be on there if you want to get really crazy. 


Katie, what do you think about the visualization approach? 


[0:29:16] KF: No. I think that’s great. I think it all comes back to preparation, right? You can look at preparation and create things per one per each individual or you can look at preparation and allow data, or to Felix’s suggestion, AI, to kind of help guide you in making that preparation there for that relevance that Deborah’s looking for. 


Now I know – based on who’s visited my vet facility, I know that they have a dog, right? Let’s put the dog on the postcard and say, “Fyto is due for his shots on this day.” And maybe even take that personalization the next step and look at personalized imaging. And maybe now Fyto has his name on his collar in the picture. Or he puts a little paw print in the ground and it spells out Fyto or something along those lines. 


It really is preparation. And just know that you don’t have to create each of those preparation pieces individually. Allow software like an XMPie or an AI solution to help guide you in that process. 


[0:30:30] DC: I just want to reiterate that it’s not about the vet, or the landscape, or the printer. It’s about the person who receives that postcard saying these people understand me. They know my dog. They know my planting season. They know I love tulips. They know I love roses. You don’t want to like get out of that system. It goes back to trust. You already have a circle of trust built. Why would you go outside of that? 


And the more that I see that they know me, not in a creepy way because we know we can’t do that anymore. But the more I feel like I’m in this, I don’t want to get out of it. I think it’s a great marketing tool. And I’m glad that you are starting to see more questions about, “I’ve never used data before, but I know I need to start doing it. Help me, please. Help me, please.” And you have solutions. Do you have any solutions? Or how do you address – the security issue is the last thing I’m going to ask about this.

[0:31:34] FB: There are many aspects to security, Deborah. The number one is, obviously, the infrastructure and where your data is. And you can rely on a partner like XMPie because we do extensive testing, penetration test. You mentioned that you’re not a very technical person. I’m not either. But we have 100 engineers back in Israel doing this day-in, day-out. They test these servers and make sure that they’re secure. 


The other aspect is a lot of our bigger customers, they prefer to have the data in their own infrastructure. They prefer to be able to manage it and control it. If you go to a lot of the smaller companies out there to do variable data on software as a service, SaaS, you don’t know. First of all, where is the server? Is it in the US? Is it in the Orient? Is it in China? You don’t know. Dealing with XMPie, you know exactly where your data is. You know who manages it. And we test in day-in, day-out for security. Dealing with a trusted partner I think is key. 


[0:32:36] KF: I would agree, Felix. On that note, what’s nice about XMPie is the fact that we can put your software anywhere you want it to be. If you want it on-premise, in your facility and have ultimate control on it, you can. If you want us to host it in a secure environment that’s an instance just for yourself, you can do that. If you want to host it in your own AWS instance, or Azure, or whatever other cloud-hosting company you have, you have control over that. 


[0:33:07] DC: And you help everybody figure that out and set it up. And you’re with them the whole entire time. Correct? 


[0:33:13] KF: Absolutely.


[0:33:14] DC: Okay. Fantastic. We spoke about trends that you’ve identified with customers and potential customers coming to speak to you. And you did mention sustainability a few times. And that is certainly a gigantic trend in the industry. As a software company, I’m very interested in your perspective on this and your point of view that you share during the conversations you have. Katie? 


[0:33:43] KF: Yeah, Deborah. It’s hard to really put a concept or a visualization across sustainability. Because it is such a broad topic. Now I will say, what we do as a software organization is we help printers, instead of printing lots of static communications out into the world that aren’t necessarily relevant or targeted – 


[0:34:08] DC: Yeah. We call those spray and pray, right? 


[0:34:11] KF: Right. Help them to transition and educate the market that they can get more relevance out of smaller amounts of communications that are targeted and more intended for the recipient that’s going to receive those. 


[0:34:31] FB: I think there’s another aspect that’s very important. A lot of printers come to us and say, “Oh, our customers is asking to provide a go paperless option.” With XMPie, you can migrate your existing printed communications to email and personalized websites. That’s I think a great contribution to sustainability. Go paperless. Amazingly enough, with a web-to-print company, you can go paperless with XMPie. 


[0:35:00] DC: Okay. To wrap this up, Katie, make your best pitch to your current customers to check you out for an upgrade. And, Felix, you make one to potential customers to come see you, schedule a demo or visit you with the next tradeshow. Katie, start with you.


[0:35:16] KF: All right. Well, for all you XMPie clients out there, we appreciate you value your business. I just want the opportunity to show you what else XMPie has to off offer. As I mentioned, we’re very modular. You may have a flavor of XMPie at one level or another. But just know that there’s always existing opportunities for you to kind of upgrade and allow enhancements to that ecosystem. 


[0:35:43] FB: Absolutely. I think every printer out there is very smart at optimizing their workflows and optimizing the way that they were going about doing business. So, we can help them in that. Way we can help them evolve into a communication provider. Looking not only after print, but looking after all digital communications to existing base. That’s one of the avenue that we can help. 


We can connect to other systems. I would say 90% of vast majority of printers out there are expanding their applications and going to do this thing or this shiny new thing. And how can I optimize my data? How can I use what I already have with XMPie to address those new needs and new applications? And we can help. Obviously, give us a call and we’ll go over your application and help you optimize it and make it more rewarding. 


[0:36:34] DC: Excellent.


[0:36:35] FB: Sorry for my French accent.


[0:36:39] DC: It’s okay. I was trying to say something in French, but I don’t speak French. Everything you need to connect with Katie, and Felix and XMPie is in the show notes, including a link to our very popular podcast conference that we recorded with XMPie. 


Thank you all so much for your time and attention. Until next time, print long and prosper. 




[0:37:04] DC: Thanks for listening to Podcasts From the Printerverse. Please subscribe. Click some stars and leave us a review. Connect with us through We’d love to hear your feedback on our shows and topics that are of interest for future broadcasts. Until next time. Thanks for joining us. Print long and prosper.




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