Take a Deep Dive into drupa DNA with Deborah Corn and Frank Tueckmantel

Frank Tueckmantel joins Deborah Corn to discuss co-hosting drupa DNA and the program, provide an overview of the key topics that will be covered over 11 days, and how drupa provides the backdrop for creating the future of print, together! (Transcript below)


Mentioned in This Episode: 

drupa: https://www.drupa.com/

drupa Next Age (drupa DNA): https://www.drupa.com/en/Program/Forums/drupa_next_age

Frank Tueckmantel: https://www.linkedin.com/in/frank-tueckmantel-aa5609/

Deborah Corn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/deborahcorn/

Print Media Centr: https://printmediacentr.com

Partner with Print Media Centr: https://printmediacentr.com/partnerships/ 

Subscribe to News From The Printerverse: https://printmediacentr.com/subscribe-2 

Project Peacock: https://ProjectPeacock.TV 

Girls Who Print: https://girlswhoprint.net




[00:00:04] DC: It takes the right skills and the right innovation to design and manage meaningful print marketing solutions. Welcome to Podcasts From the Printerverse, where we explore all facets of print and marketing that create stellar communications and sales opportunities for business success. I’m your host, Deborah Corn, the Intergalactic Ambassador to the Printerverse. Thanks for tuning in. Listen long and prosper.




[00:00:31] DC: Hey, everybody. Welcome to Podcasts From the Printerverse. This is Deborah Corn, your Intergalactic Ambassador. Today, we’re speaking about possibly one of my favorite topics in the printing industry, drupa, and more specifically, drupa DNA, which means that I am here with my drupa DNA co-host, Frank Tueckmantel, Ambassador of Face-to-Face Marketing. Hello, Frank.


[00:00:58] FT: Hi, Deborah. How are you today?


[00:00:59] DC: I am wonderful, Frank, Frankie T, Frank T. You’re getting a lot of nicknames from Deborah and other people, now that we’re hanging out together. Are you enjoying that?


[00:01:12] FT: I enjoyed it. One of the nicknames I got long time ago from colleagues when I was still working at Minolta was “Tookie” because they like to call me [inaudible 00:01:22]. That is stuck today with friends and family, and I like that a lot.


[00:01:27] DC: Okay. Well, I was not aware of [inaudible 00:01:29]. I love that. I am going to take that up now moving forward. Frank, I knew of you. I never knew you. We actually just met for the first time face-to-face, two ambassadors meeting face-to-face at a industry event. Prior to that, I had only seen your face and name in announcements and press releases from EFI for many, many, many years. Can we just start this podcast with letting everybody know a bit more about you and how you ended up as the Ambassador of Face-to-Face Marketing, Mr. [inaudible 00:02:14]?


[00:02:16] FT: Yes. Thank you. Yes. All my career, all my life since the mid-eighties I basically spent in the print office equipment industry. Call it what you want. In the mid-eighties, it all started at an office equipment in my hometown in Germany. Through that process, working with Minolta, working with Canon, I ended up working ultimately for Minolta directly, the European headquarters in Germany in Langenhagen.


That was the reason why I met EFI. I was Product Manager at Minolta for the color copiers that were so famous and became so popular in the nineties. Then EFI hired me and gave me a chance to first work for them in the German office. Then I moved. In 2001, I moved to the US and have worked until 2021 for EFI, 12 years of that as the VP of Marketing. That’s my entire career is in that industry that I’m very passionate about.


Talk about passion, one of the things that I like the most about the role at EFI, being in charge of corporate marketing, was the trade shows and events because I felt like the more our world became technical, texting, chats, the human interaction got a little bit lost. I always enjoyed going to trade shows and events. I had the pleasure to organize at EFI many years our Connect conference in Las Vegas. In particular, the time during COVID showed to me how important it is for two people to talk face-to-face.


Now, it can be a negative experience as well. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not all fun and games, but I feel like –


[00:03:59] DC: Why are you looking at me when you say that, Frank?


[00:04:02] FT: I have not looked at anyone. I did not look at anyone. But it is so important ultimately to work together as humans. You build trust when you meet each other in person. When drupa asked for you and me to work together to be in charge of the DNA program, I was very happy to join the team that represents the largest show that our industry has to offer.


[00:04:25] DC: I couldn’t agree more, and I was really happy that we had just met a few weeks before that at the ePS Connect conference, which it has evolved into. We really hit it off, so it was a – let’s just say all the stars aligned in the Printerverse, and there we were. I do have to say that it has been really a pleasure working with you. I didn’t know why drupa put us together. We definitely came from different sides and perspectives of things. But I really believe that that has truly worked out in our interactions with the DNA exhibitors, in our advice for them on how to present the topics.


Some of them are a little complicated. This is a future space, so we help them, let’s just say, be a little more relatable with the information that they wanted to share because of our experience, being able to know what would be important to the people receiving that information. I think it’s really, really worked out. I just want to thank you so much for your time and your dedication and your patience for this whole process. I’m very proud of the program that we have put together.


[00:05:41] FT: Absolutely. I think the combination of you and me working together is so good because you represent a lot of the print service providers out there. You have built a followership throughout your social media activities that is second to none. With my background on the vendor side, I think we look at an event like drupa and a trade show like drupa from different angles because you have to address the needs of the organizers themselves. It’s a commercial entity. We have to address the needs of the visitors that spend a lot of money and a lot of time to come to Düsseldorf.We need to help those that exhibit to get their money’s worth because they invest sometimes millions, sometimes a few thousands. Whatever they can spend they invest. They need to find a way to get that money back as well. Three interests and I think we’re representing them all.


[00:06:36] DC: Okay, Frank. I want to focus now on the DNA space and what it is, and what people will be able to learn, and what they can expect on that stage and in that area for the 11 days. Just to remind everybody, May 28th through June 7th. Listen, everything Frank and I are going to be speaking about, there’s links in the show notes. You don’t even have to wait for us. If you want to go look at the exhibitors and see all the content that we created, just click below and come back to the podcast later. Otherwise, Frank, talk about drupa DNA for the people.


[00:07:10] FT: I think drupa DNA is a great program to give established companies, younger companies, startups an opportunity to get a very good presence in a program that is not just including an exhibit space. Because, obviously, in particular, when you have smaller spaces, sometimes there is a risk that you get overlooked. You have to have attendees that need to prepare their trip to a show very well, to not just be distracted or attracted by the big and shiny booth that some of our industry giants set up.


DNA is that area that combines sufficient exhibit space that exhibitors can easily sign up for, design it. Drupa provides everything they need, so it’s very easy to get ready for the show. That’s where our responsibility comes into play. You also have that stage area where you have a chance to reach out to attendees in a larger forum. You would never have that if you would just have your 3×3 meter or 10×10 booth somewhere at a trade show internationally. You would be there, but potentially the risk of getting overlooked.


Here we give those folks that participate in DNA the opportunity to show what they offer, to show how they help the industry moving forward. Important because we want to make sure that the stage is well attended and the audience is well attended. We give them an opportunity through the drupa deep-dive interviews. Also in the show notes, people can find that link. We give them the opportunity to promote what they do at the show prior to a visitor showing up. Hopefully, our activities will lead to visitors planning to come to DNA, take the time so that folks sit in the audience in front of those presenters and are really interested in what do they talk about. Is that something for me? Do I want to invest in it? Make it a very productive visit to the show.


[00:09:13] DC: Yes. One of the most incredible things about drupa, the show itself, is just the opportunity for discovery walking around through 18 halls. You just turn around, and you see something you’ve never seen before. Or there’s a new technology out there. But to your most excellent point, if I’m really looking for that, I’m going to have to do a lot of research to find those exhibitors, although drupa has a comprehensive find exhibitor map and all of that on the website. But I’m still saying it’s not the same thing as knowing that.


In Hall 7 for 11 days, there are plenty of exhibitors who are focused on the future of the industry, who are focused on helping peoples’ print businesses do better, looking at the bigger long-term industry subjects, and addressing them not necessarily in a new way but a way that provides a service or an opportunity for a printer to create better relationships with their customers through communication of data points that you might not ever have thought to share with people.


You’re absolutely right. In this particular case, you could just go to Hall 7 and discover 30, 40 companies that you’ve never heard of before, as well as established companies who have chosen to exhibit in this space, I think, for the reasons that you said. There’s going to be a lot of like-minded individuals who stop in Hall 7. There’s going to be tens of thousands who walk through because it’s the hall where the train comes out of. We’re going to have built-in traffic. Hopefully, through our promoting what’s going on there, through the show promoting, through the schedule, again, link in the show notes, you can find out everything that’s going on and plan your day. Or you could just grab some lunch or a coffee, and just come by, and grab a seat. When we come back, we’re going to focus on some of the bigger topics that are going to be represented at drupa.




[00:11:29] DC: Print Media Centr provides printspiration and resources to our vast network of global print and marketing professionals. Whether you are an industry supplier, print service provider, print customer or consultant, we have you covered by providing resources and strategies that enable business marketing and creative success, reporting from global events, these podcasts, Project Peacock TV, and an array of community-lifting initiatives. We also work with OEMs, suppliers, industry organizations, and event producers. Helping you connect and engage with our vast audience and achieve success with your sales, marketing, and conference endeavors. Visit Print Media Centr and connect with the Printerverse. Links in the show notes. Print long and prosper.




[00:12:24] DC: Welcome back, everybody. Frank Tueckmantel, we are now going to talk about some of the bigger-picture topics that will be represented by the DNA exhibitors, as well as invited speakers and guests. I’m wondering if you agree that our software/solutions are probably our biggest chunk of representation in the hall.


[00:12:50] FT: Yes, absolutely, which is very, very interesting because the DNA idea was to talk about all kinds of topics, additive manufacturing or, as some call it, 3D printing, artificial intelligence, business intelligence. What new materials can you produce on platform economy, predictive maintenance, reducing downtime, very important, printed electronics, remote services, new business models, and process design? Those were the topics that drupa actively promoted to attract folks to the DNA area.


What was very interesting in the process of putting the DNA program together is how much of those companies in the DNA area focus on making printing a more competitive process to become and continue to be an important part of the marketing mix. It is simply wrong for people to say you have to go electronic to be efficient. Nothing could be further from the truth. A lot of the software companies that will participate show the printers that come to drupa, how to run their operation more effectively and efficiently.


Process improvements, making sure more jobs at shorter run rates can easily be accepted by the print shop, often produced without very little or no human interaction because it’s all automated. How do you make sure that you have more prototype printing capabilities for one-offs? Because print is being used in so many ways, often the traditional consumer not even knowing that they’re looking at a printed product to show the bandwidth of printing that is actually being offered today. That was very interesting to learn from our DNA exhibitors, the depth and the product portfolio that they actually offer to print service providers.


[00:14:57] DC: Yes. In a really big umbrella way, the companies do represent workflow automation and optimization. But not in the necessary traditional ways that printers are used to hearing about it, which is what I thought was really interesting. I think a lot of it was focused on the fact that these companies realized that there were less people in print shop. It’s not just a conversation about MIS systems, although that might come up. It’s how it’s manifesting that seems very interesting to me.


[00:15:33] FT: Absolutely. You made a very good point because looking at the amount of software vendors we have, maybe not as many hardware vendors because they already – many of them are established. Goodness, look at the innovation and the time to market we have seen when it comes to digital print presses to offset to more traditional print methods. All that additional speed that has gone into the market needs to be managed in a better way.


The software makes those products sellable because I believe if a printer does not know how to manage and optimize a press coming in that suddenly is three times faster, then it’s an investment that potentially is in jeopardy because you just don’t have the amount of jobs that go to that press. How can you manage that best workflow, software that allows you to optimize what you get into a job? Everyone benefits from it. The software vendors but also the hardware vendors and, ultimately, the print service provider.


[00:16:40] DC: Yes. There are platforms for making sure that you can print 2,000 jobs of one if that’s not your business now. There’s platforms that focus not only on are you estimating this job correctly. Are you getting the margin out of this job that you should get? But, also, is it the best quality that could be? I loved that particular conversation we had. Another topic that touches some of these software solutions was one of the bigger topics at drupa, which is sustainability. That’s a very – a big topic at drupa this year. drupa DNA has a few people who are going to specifically talk about that.


Ultimately, everybody’s focus seems to be on reducing waste. Obviously, the software comes into that, too. But under the supporting the planet exhibitors, that’s what we have decided to put these people under, we have a couple of great people there.


[00:17:48] FT: Yes. I think you did a great job in really making sure that there’s a difference, and we communicate that there’s a difference between pretending to care about the environment and actually really doing something and caring about the environment. As you just said, in particular with the background coming from the digital side of the print business, one of the reasons we’re always used in promoting digital printing is print only what you really need because you have the capabilities to do so. Avoid waste to start with. Only produce what you give out, what will be actively used. Don’t produce more, just because it’s supposed to be efficient, and then you have to throw it away.


That is very important and because everything we as humans do has an impact on the environment. The question is can we measure it. Can we adjust what we do? Can we optimize what we do? I think we know there will be some at drupa DNA that will be able to actually give you tools that you can measure your impact that you have on the environment with your activities, by the way, including your suppliers and your print buyers, the whole circle. Then you are having data in your hand to make decisions to limit the influence that your actions have on the environment, which I think that’s important.




[00:19:17] DC: It’s back. Citizens of the Printerverse, it is time to make your plans to attend drupa 2024. The world’s premier printing event returns May 28th through June 7th in Düsseldorf, Germany. With 18 Halls filled with the products, services, and companies you need to drive your business forward. Drupa also offers visitors a variety of topical daily programming with speakers covering packaging, textiles, sustainability, and trends shaping the industry. Stop by hall 7. I’m co-hosting the drupa Next Age forum with Frank Tueckmantel. Drupa dna offers 11 days of sessions, interviews, panels, co-located events, global networking, and of course, a little fun awaits. Visit drupa.com and get your ticket to the future of your business today. Links in the show notes. Drupa long and prosper.




[00:20:22] DC: I think without the data point, it’s just a tagline, right? Without being able to collect, analyze, and report the data on your sustainability claims, I think everybody out there who’s ever heard me talk about sustainability knows that I’m skeptical first, and you have to convince me of it. But everyone we did speak to did show that that is their model, too, so that it works out for everybody.


We’re still a little in software. But this time, we’re moving into the marketing aspect of software. Now, in this case, we’re looking at tools that help printers differentiate by offering different services, tools that help them personalize and customize if they’re not doing that or doing it in many different ways that they’re not even aware that’s possible if they have the printing files, all the things, the digital assets that these things can be turned into. Really make printers a one-stop marketing solutions provider. I never say service provider because they shouldn’t provide the service. They should provide the solutions as the service that the marketers need. Speak a little bit about that.


[00:21:43] FT: With my background, it was always about adding more capabilities to a print shop because at the company that I worked for, we had such a big, big product portfolio that addressed basically the majority of things we wanted to do when it comes to printing. We always talked with the printers about how can we give them opportunities to make more money, to be more relevant because you cannot just focus, in most cases, not in all, on one part of the business anymore.


Being as a print service provider, you heard me earlier talking about that print is just one part of the marketing mix. While it is important to us, we all know that electronic marketing is equally important. Giving a print service provider a tool that allows them to become that solution provider for a brand to go in and say, “We help you communicate what you do online. We help you communicate through your print material. We’d be there when you need to produce something to have a booth at a trade show ready.” All of those tools truly make you more than just a supplier. They make you a true partner, essential for your customer’s success. There are tools that I would encourage people to look at in the DNA area that will give a printer opportunity to become that solution partner and not just the supplier.


[00:23:14] DC: We also have some exhibitors who are representing new materials, whether it’s additive manufacturing or it’s printing on glass in a new way. I thought that was all very interesting.


[00:23:29] FT: Oh, yes. Absolutely. I have been amazed in the past with the creativity that customers have shown when it comes to printing on – as we called it at EFI, my CEO at the time Guy Gecht, a little shout out here, he said at the time the imaging of things, which I always loved as a tech line. The creativity of print buyers, of print producers is literally limitless. It’s amazing to see what materials we can print on. I think that has made sure that print continues to be very relevant over the last few years and many years going forward because it often now becomes an experience to look at something that has been printed.


[00:24:15] DC: Absolutely. Frank, you and I know that we’ve been at this for six months. We’ve been organizing the exhibitors. We’ve been interviewing them. Sometimes, you interviewed them when I was at an event, so thank you so much for keeping everything moving. What we’re hoping through this podcast is that if any of these topics interest you, stop by Hall 7, and somebody’s going to be speaking about one of these things when you come by.


I mentioned that we had met with all the exhibitors because another group of people that we have represented in drupa DNA are educators and graphic communication programs from around the world. It’s something I’m the most proud of to be part of championing at drupa certainly the future of education surrounding how to output things, ink on anything, how to be a content creator, whether it’s digital or physical. I guess you could say it that way and, also, just really why it is super important for the industry to support in the best way possible the graphic communication programs.


That is not always with a check, Frank. Sometimes, it’s like, “Hey, I am a half a mile from your university. Let’s get some trips going and some projects going. Let’s start working together better.” While I’m going to kick it over to you, you’ve definitely spoken to three of these educators. I only spoke to the big group because I was at an event. So I’m going to kick it you.


[00:25:53] FT: Yes. No, the educators, to your point, are incredibly important. We hear over and over the stories again that many of us in the print industry struggle to find that new talent that wants to come in because I think as an industry, me included, we have not done enough to really attract young talent into the industry. There’s definitely room for improvement on multiple levels.


You mentioned universities are very important. Let me add another dimension to that because I think university education is stronger here in the US than in other parts of the world where you have trade programs. Part of the jobs for folks that might not end up designers but they actually operate machines, there are plenty of trade programs to get education there. I think we need to hit universities or schools, as we call them in Germany, professional schools to get employees for all levels that the print industry has to offer because all of them are equally important. You can be the most impressive designer and the best manager in the world. If we do not have people that run our presses, you will definitely struggle to have a successful business, right?


One of the shout out goes to the Academy for Fashion And Design in Düsseldorf. They will be there. I don’t know if people know that Messe Düsseldorf has many shows every year, and Düsseldorf is somewhat of a fashion capital of Germany. There are very famous fashion shows that Messe Düsseldorf is organizing. So there is a close relationship there. We also have IC, which is an organization representing many universities across Europe and the world that is like a corporation. They work very close with each other to make sure that talent goes into bachelor and master’s programs to become the future in our print industry.


We also have from the Fritz-Henßler-Berufskolleg in the city of Dortmund, which is not only very famous for their football team there but also for the school that is addressing a lot of the needs that the trade programs have. All of them have representatives at drupa DNA, and we couldn’t be happier. Definitely, plan time to visit those folks when they speak because they might help you to find the talent that you’re in desperate need for.


[00:28:27] DC: Yes. Even if they’re not speaking, go visit them at their booth in DNA and all the exhibitors. Just ask them what they do, or ask them how you can help, or ask them how you can get an internship or apprenticeship program going with the students. I just want to say that there will be representation from the Americans in the IC. We have some educators coming over from the United States. When we come back, we’re going to talk about a few more exhibitors and wrap up the podcast.




[00:29:02] DC: Like what you hear? Leave us a comment. Click a few stars, share this episode, and please subscribe to the show. Are you interested in being a guest and sharing your information with our active and growing global audience? Podcasts are trending as a potent direct marketing and educational channel for brands and businesses who want to provide portable content for customers and consumers. Visit printmediacentr.com, click on podcasts, and request a partner package today. Share long and prosper.




[00:29:36] DC: Welcome back, everybody. As I’ve mentioned a few times, links for everything we’ve discussed are in the show notes. Frank, the last category I have of our topics I put in the miscellaneous category. We invited two speakers who aren’t affiliated with any exhibitors or anything other than Dr. Samir Husni, also known as Mr. Magazine, is the world’s foremost expert on magazines, dare I say, and publishing as well. He is going to be doing a session early on about the future of publishing.


We also invited, this is a Printerverse crossover moment, Will Crabtree, who is the co-host of the PrinterChat Podcast, along with Jamie McLennan and I. He’s coming to drupa, and he is just such a crafty guy. He is doing this experiment now about getting a mailing list and capturing leads, and following people through the funnel, and seeing, really doing a whole expose on the best practices for all of this. Certainly, as we look towards the future, Mr. Google is going to play a much more important role than it even does now in capturing an audience and bringing it to you or helping people looking for an answer to find you, asking a question to find you as the answer.


The last thing that’s going on in the drupa DNA area in Hall 7, for two days on the 30th and the 31st of May, drupa DNA is going to be taken over by a conference, an imaging conference brought to us New C. Why don’t you tell everybody about that?


[00:31:27] FT: Yes. It’s an organization that represents a very important part of our industry, and that’s how to get data into the workflow, how to make sure it’s being printed properly. New C has put together on those two days an amazing program with lots of interesting speakers to make sure what they call the imaging part, the photo part, what we need to make print look good. All of those aspects will be discussed in a fantastic program that we also have made available online to look at the New C team has done a great job. Make sure you plan time to be there on the 30th and 31st as well.


[00:32:13] DC: Especially if you want to meet end users who produce giant imagery or really care about what their imagery looks like. Think museums. Think really high-end retail stores and things of that nature. I mean, think art galleries. They’re certainly outputting things that way. It’s going to be really cool. Those two days are certainly going to be – if you’re passing by, it’s worth stopping.


Now, none of the New C presenters are exhibiting in DNA, but they are having meet and greet. They are having activities within their event. Again, go to the drupa website. Look up the New C conference, get in touch with anybody you need to get in touch with and figure out how to navigate it from there.


Okay, Frank. To wrap up this podcast, as we’ve been asking all the exhibitors in our interviews, why should they stop what they’re doing right now and make their plans to go to drupa and stop in Hall 7?


[00:33:15] FT: Because there is no better place to see everything that our industry has to offer, not under one. But if my math is right, under 18 roofs, which certainly sounds overwhelming. But I see this as just a tremendous opportunity to optimize your time on the road, to really plan your visit very well. You have nowhere else in the world the opportunity to see all that with just a stroll, maybe a 10-minute walk, a 15-minute walk. Take advantage of it. After eight years, I’m sure there is so much new that you will find. Plan your visit. Make it more effective. See the depth of exhibitors and what they have to offer. See it as an opportunity. It’s not a threat. It’s not too big.


If the show feels too big, may I say there might have been a lack of preparation because if you go ahead and take advantage of everyone that’s there, plan your visit accordingly, I think everyone on this podcast listening and going knows that, yes, you have to put some time in to prepare. But you get it back because you had to only leave your shop once for a few days, and you don’t have to do multiple trips throughout the year because our industry does not have demo rooms and demo centers at every corner in every city. Usually, to see something from a vendor, you have to travel, and you can optimize that one trip going to drupa and visit many of those visitors in just a few days that you spend there. I think it’s a great opportunity.


[00:34:58] DC: Drupa offers guided tours, so people can look into that if they want to focus on certain things. Their website also has a searchable place to look for exhibitors. They’re categorized in many different ways. There’s maps there. To your most excellent point, I look at drupa just a little different. Certainly, there is the opportunity to see everything new, although not everybody’s going to have something new. Some people have already made those announcements, right? They’re leading up to it. They want to make sure that everybody has enough information that if they’re going to come to see the new thing, that they’re ready to see it. It’s better for everybody that they’re asking the next-level questions, right?

Speaking of that next level, whether it’s in drupa DNA or it’s walking around the Messe, after eight years, I think it is super important for attendees to understand the visions of companies for their next 5 years, for the next 10 years. If you look at an iPhone, is this something I’m going to have to buy every year and buy the accessories every year? Or is it something I can buy and start adding things to it and accessorize and be able to even look at software purchases, is it modular? I don’t need everything. I just want these three things.


To understand that you’re not just making the investment in that equipment or that software or that substrate or that process, but you’re truly investing in that company. If you’re picking them as a team, I would say that that would be the most important thing. That is the reason why you should go to drupa. You don’t need a press right now? No problem. But if you’re going to start looking for one in three years, now’s the time to start doing the research on it and maybe start gathering the right customers if you don’t have the right customers for that press. Or start talking to your current customers and see if there is a need for a new technology to come in. Like, “Hey, we’re already doing all of this for you. If we could do t-shirts and hats for you also, would you be interested in that?” Then understanding what your options are based upon the companies that you want to move forward with, which includes their financials. Are they merging with other people?


I mean, we see a lot of this stuff in the trade hubs. To tell you the truth, there people who are confused about the relationships between companies now. Is one going to eat the other one up, or are they going to work together, or the product’s going to change? This is why I think after eight years, it’s almost like a resetting of I know what I want to do, but now I need to find people who not only want to do what I want to do but can maybe lead me further down that path quicker, more affordable, more effective. Or explain to me why in my current situation this is not the path for me, and this is the path I really want to be on, and I just think it’s super important.


That is why I would encourage everybody to go to drupa. Look, we understand not everybody can go to drupa. No problem. #drupa2024. Everybody at drupa, every analyst, every journalist, every trade media company is going to be there, and as well as the exhibitors themselves making announcements. It’s going to be a bit overwhelming those first couple of days. But on your own time, you can go through it. We should have mentioned, and I will now, that in drupa DNA, there will be no live broadcast of the content. But drupa is recording the sessions, and we’ll release them at another point during the year, hopefully this year. I assume so. There will be an opportunity to see that, but there’ll be plenty of ways that you can follow along from home. Don’t get left out of creating the future together because that’s what drupa is all about.


[00:39:26] FT: Exactly. That’s the place to really build partnerships, maintain partnerships. That’s why I always like to say Ambassador of Face-to-Face Marketing. There are certain things you do in person that you just don’t do when you serve online. Will you always be able to really build that trust into a brand? I guess for some you can. Others maybe not. So take advantage. Talk to people. Get, hopefully, even some information that you might not find in a press release, on a website, or in a brochure. Then make your decision. Who is the company? Who is the person that you would like to work together with?


Deborah, you’re 100% right that drupa is the place to do that after eight years. It’s a reset. We haven’t met each other there for so long. I’m sure a lot of players change. A lot of contact people change. It’s a perfect opportunity to meet many from them under 18 roofs and build up that new partnership and relationship.


[00:40:25] DC: Thank you so much for your time, Frank. Thanks to everybody for your time listening to this podcast. Links for everything we mentioned are in the show notes. Till next time, drupa long and prosper.




[00:40:41] DC: Thanks for listening to Podcasts From the Printerverse. Please subscribe, click some stars, and leave us a review. Connect with us through printmediacentr.com. We’d love to hear your feedback on our shows and topics that are of interest for future broadcasts. Until next time, thanks for joining us. Print long and prosper.



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