Taking Command of Client Communications with Michael Reiher, Good2Go

Michael Reiher, President at Good2Go, joins Deborah Corn in the first podcast of a 3-part conference series to discuss the vision behind the company. He shares how Good2Go Software helps small and medium-sized print businesses optimize workflow like the big guys but without the big investment, centralizes customer communication to one dashboard, and how his no-code partners quickly and easily expand Good2Go’s capabilities through APIs and not long and complicated implementations. (Transcript and PDF Download below)

Mentioned in This Episode:

Michael Reiher: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelreiher

Good2Go: https://www.good2gosoftware.com/

Good2Go Contact Us: https://www.good2gosoftware.com/learn-good2go/Contact

Good2Go Pricing: https://www.good2gosoftware.com/pricing/

Good2Go Online Proofing: https://www.good2gosoftware.com/online-proofing-for-print/

Good2Go File Submission: https://www.good2gosoftware.com/file_upload_for_print_production/

Good2Go Order Portal: https://www.good2gosoftware.com/progressiveprint/

Good2Go App Bundle: https://www.good2gosoftware.com/enfocus_switch_automation/

Good2Go Zapier App: https://zapier.com/apps/good2go/integrations

Deborah Corn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/deborahcorn/

Print Media Centr: https://printmediacentr.com

Project Peacock: https://ProjectPeacock.TV

Girls Who Print: https://girlswhoprint.net

Transcript (PDF)



[00:00:00] DC: This podcast conference is supported by Good2Go Software. With no integration or implementation required, cloud-based Good2Go software provides advanced services for job onboarding, online proofing, and streamlines customer communication in the process. Starting at just $50 a month, this affordable, no-hassle solution is perfect for small and medium-sized print businesses.

Good2Go offers a 14-day free trial and includes live setup and training at no charge. Schedule a demo, sign up for a free trial, and in 15 minutes, you are Good2Go. Links in the show notes.


[00:00:46] DC: It takes the right skills and the right innovation to design and manage meaningful print marketing solutions. Welcome to Podcast from the Printerverse, where we explore all facets of print and marketing that creates stellar communications and sales opportunities for business success. I’m your host Deborah Corn, the Intergalactic Ambassador to the Printerverse. Thanks for tuning in. Listen long and prosper.


[00:01:13] DC: Hey, everybody, welcome to Podcast from the Printerverse. This is Deborah Corn, your Intergalactic Ambassador, and I am so pleased to announce another podcast conference that we are having featuring Good2Go software. Described as workflow without the work, Good2Go is a cloud-based software as a service designed to help printers, especially small and medium-sized businesses by automating onboarding and job tracking and creating a simple and effective customer collaboration process that replaces email. With no install or integrations required in 15 minutes or less from signing up, you are Good2Go.

I am so proud to welcome Michael Reiher, the President of Good2Go to your podcast conference. Welcome, sir.

[00:02:11] MR: Thank you, Deborah. I’m really happy to be here.

[00:02:13] DC: We have known each other for a while and you are definitely somebody who has been in the trenches. You’ve spoken to thousands of printers throughout your career. You’ve worked at software companies. You’ve developed softwares and one of the things about people like you is that you can see where there are gaping holes of efficiency, gaping holes of needs that might be, in some ways, too small for the bigger companies to address or too big for smaller companies to address. But you seem to have found a real niche here with Good2Go, that solves a lot of problems for printers from the initial stages of the job is coming in, all the way through getting final approval that has really helped them save time and money exactly what your value proposition is.

So, let’s really start there about your vision for Good2Go.

[00:03:17] MR: Deborah, it all really started from looking at the marketplace and really trying to understand what vendors were delivering to the customers. When I looked at the customers and I started really digging into what people were using, for automating their processes, and taking on their jobs. What I noticed is that most of the vendors in the marketplace were really focusing in on the larger players. It’s like everyone seemed to want to cater toward the people that were willing to spend $30,000, $40,000, $50,000 or more on workflow solutions.

To me, it seemed like, well, I’m sure you’ve got a huge audience in the marketplace of small to medium-sized printers who are more or less being ignored or left behind. So, we really wanted to create something that was – something that would go for printers of any size. That’s where one of our taglines comes from, because it’s what the whole thing was based on, right from the beginning. We also wanted to make it – we wanted to bring technology to the table for this audience as well, because I also saw that a lot of the advance functions that you get with some of the more complicated workflow systems was completely being ignored for the lower end of the market, for the smaller customers out there.

Here, they’re hungry, they’re doing thousands of jobs a month, and they got, especially this – they’re doing a lot of really small jobs and they need the help. They needed the tools to be able to help them move through that quickly. Then, the pandemic came. And of course, what that changed is, people slowed way down, and they had to let people go. People took time off, because of all the mandates and everything. But then things came back to life. Now, everyone’s really, really busy. They’re short staffed. They need technology to help them work through the products or the incoming orders as quickly as possible.

Now, we see that our original vision behind Good2Go, which was make technology accessible, make it for printers of any size really gets where the market is at these days, and we’re really happy with where we’ve been able to take Good2Go in a very short amount of time.

[00:05:52] DC: Yes, I was at a recent event, and there was a presentation about looking at the printers as in groups, and there was this elite group of printers, that was maybe 10% of the market share of printers out there who, to your point, they’re the ones who buy 15 presses at a time. A $30,000 investment in software is a Tuesday for them, right? Then you had the largest chunk, being the smallest size printers. There’s more of those than anybody else. Then, you have your middle group that is significant. But it teeters on that $30,000 could be a second mortgage on someone’s house.

So, the investments that they’re making are not just about the future of their business, but their life decisions, in many cases, too. Now, one of the things that I really loved about your approach to this is that you weren’t trying to be everything to everybody. You set out and achieved a process in a way that printers can optimize a few tasks early on with, and work directly with their customers to avoid all of these nightmares down the road like emails. We mentioned, I hope we’re going to get into that, because I’m in an email situation at the moment where I’m going through – I don’t understand why people don’t change subject lines of emails to reflect what they’re talking about. But I just dug through my email for something that a proposal that I mean, luckily, the Mac search is efficient enough to show me what’s in my mailbox, but I never would have found it, otherwise, had I not had that help.

But I digress. Let’s just get back to this. So, let’s focus on the problems that you wanted to solve for everybody and how you’ve achieved that through Good2Go in an affordable manner.

[00:08:06] MR: The email problem is a big problem in the industry. Because what’s happened is a lot of people have moved to using email as their primary communication between their CSRs and their clients, and all those communications on the jobs. That’s really become a problem, because if you’re doing 10, 20, 30 jobs a day, you think of the volume of emails you’re going to have back and forth, and how do you keep track of them.

Now, some people come up with some really nice systems that keep track of them, you end up with all these different ways. But the thing about it is everyone has their own way of doing it. Everyone has their own way of managing that chaos that comes along with the email. And that becomes a problem, as well as if you’ve got three CSRs all managing their own jobs when one of them is sick, how do you know what the other one is doing? You need to be able to like, now, someone’s sending in their email, trying to figure out what’s your way to you organize stuff, and it’s a nightmare. It’s a mess.

[00:09:10] DC: Not just on the printer side. Forget about the customer side. Remember, I come from the customer side. Okay. I chime in on an email, two days later, someone chimes in on something three responses down. Whose responsibility is it to sort through all of that?

[00:09:27] MR: Yes. You hit the nail on the head with the problem that’s out there.

[00:09:32] DC: Well, I just have to inject myself one more time because it’s not going away. This thing is not going away. Email communication is now the way that customers are communicating. So, it’s up to the printers to wrangle them somehow, if they want to make their lives easy.

[00:09:49] MR: Well, and you’ll see in Good2Go. We do use email, because obviously you got to get notified that something’s going on. But the key is, is you also got to have a way to look at it with more global view. It’s got to be accessible to everybody in the organization. That’s important because you need – anyone needs to be able to see what files are out for print approval? Which ones have been approved? Which ones have come back with requests for changes? What changes did they ask for?

Anyone in the organization should be able to look at that global view and see what’s going on. That’s really what we’re trying to do. get the organization out of email, the communication vehicle, nothing wrong with that. But you want the management of the day to be something that anyone can access, and anyone can get to. So, when you take that global view on the problem, then we start inserting specific functions to make that go. Review and approval or print approval is one of the top ones, because that’s really what we’re trying to do. Get the file, try to make it work for print, take it back to the client, get their final approval, so that we know their job is good to go for print. That’s really the whole goal. That’s why we came up with the name, Good2Go, because it was really about making files good to go for print. That’s the whole basis of the Good2Go part.

We got review and approval in there, the electronic grouping. We’ve got all the nice little tech. Now, this is where we go back to, we wanted to build something for printers of all sizes, something really easy to use and stuff like that. But we also want to give some technology. So, we provide annotation tools, live to the client, capabilities for them to mark it up, put on little yellow stickies, make this change. Do this, do that, and write a summary and then send it back to you through the system. That’s all included all right there, and there’s a lot of little automated processes that we do in that in a very simple way that helps the clients not have to keep track of everything for every job that goes through. A good example is our automated reminders. I mean, why is that such a big deal. Guess what, it’s like set it and forget it.

[00:12:25] DC: Right. But it is a big deal if you have to remember to do it through an email.

[00:12:35] MR: Yes. Doing 20 prints a day out to clients through email, you got to keep track of who’s responding, what did they say, what changes they asked for, and make sure stuff didn’t get buried in the process. With Good2Go, all that’s taken care of. You just send it and move on. Guess what, because you’re going to get, A, we’re going to remind the customer if they don’t respond. And then that’s according to their settings and the settings the printer puts in there, as well as, you’re going to get reminded if they haven’t responded.

So, you don’t have to worry about keeping track of all that stuff. We’d do it for you. That’s one good example of how we’re trying to make the process easier, more transparent, bring it to the entire company, and [inaudible 00:13:23].


[00:13:25] SPEAKER 1: Print shops are busy and managing your print approvals can be a nightmare when they’re sent through email. Information can get buried and client changes missed causing chaos internally and hurting client relations when deadlines are missed.

[00:13:39] SPEAKER 2: Good2Go helps printers manage the chaos by keeping print approvals organized and accessible throughout the entire organization.

[00:13:39] SPEAKER 1: As a cloud solution, users just drag and drop files onto the Good2Go interface, put in the client’s email and send. From there, everything is tracked and accessible to the entire organization.

[00:13:57] SPEAKER 2: Clients never need to log in or create an account to review and approve a document. Plus, if they have changes, Good2Go provides online markup tools to clearly communicate the corrections.

[00:14:07] SPEAKER 1: With Good2Go, any size printer can be sending online proofs in a half hour or less. Starting at only $50 a month, cost is never an issue.

[00:14:16] SPEAKER 2: Visit good2gosoftware.com to learn more. Get a personalized demo and sign up for a free trial.

[00:14:23] SPEAKER 1 & 2: Now, you’re Good2Go.


[00:14:25] DC: The way that I see it, because I was a professional print customer, is that you have two levels going on here. First of all, if I’m a professional print customer, my process is probably not going to change. I’m going to answer the emails, whatever you need me to do to get my job in and out, I’m going to do it and the problems or the communication issues will arise as they arise. But the regular people out there, the ones I call civilians who use print. They’re the ones who are – the printers who have regular people as client, customers, or want to get a bunch of them. This is the only way to wrangle those people in any manner, and also show them how easy the process is for working with you. So, I look at it as if there’s advantages for a lot of people out there. Did you want to say anything about that?

[00:15:20] MR: Yes. Well, that is a big focus that we put into the product. Because we recognize that a lot of print buyers these days, no matter what size printer you are, you deal with a lot of what I call amateur designers and amateur print buyers. I don’t want to say that they’re amateurs, I just want to say that they just don’t understand the printing process, and they don’t necessarily understand what comes next. In fact, it’s a big mystery to them.

[00:15:45] DC: Neither does the florist or the carwash, just saying.

[00:15:50] MR: Yes. So, it’s really a matter of, we need a system that allows the novices to also interact and understand what’s going on, see their document and be able to review it, mark it up properly, be able to communicate what it is that they want back to the printer, in such a way that it’s easy for them. So, we wanted to make sure that the print buyers experience was very simple, no login required, no account required. None of that garbage, so that they can just go to it say, “Yes, it looks good. Get it out of here.”

[00:16:27] DC: Yes. I mean, you have a library of comprehensive demos. You can get a demo by booking a meeting with you and all of those links are going to be in the show notes. So, I completely recommend that everybody goes and checks it out. In just a couple of minutes, you could be good to go if this is right for you.

Michael, at the end of the day, we know that the proof is in the pudding, as they say. You’ve been at this a while. We actually have not checked in about this, so do you have any customer success stories at this point? Because I know we were waiting. We needed some people to have some longevity with the product. But now that they have, what are some examples of improvements that have been made? And what have you learned along the way from them?

[00:17:22] MR: Well, one of the things you’ll see as part of the podcast is we interview a couple of our clients and they’ve had tremendous success with – now, we got Caitlin. She’s managing all the proofs through Good2Go now. So that chaos for her has completely reduced tremendously of keeping track of all the emails. It’s allowed her to kind of move on, to take on other things in her organization. Then Vivian’s company, it’s got them out of using spreadsheets and emails themselves, just trying to keep track of everything, and now using Good2Go to make that process much more fluid, much more organized, without all the work behind it, just to get a process in place.

So, there’s some good examples you’re going to hear more about as part of the podcast, as well as we’ve had a lot of clients who are just – they come back every day, and they tell us how much we’ve been able to improve the communication between them and their print buyers. I’ve had many comments of people saying that – I get comments that they, the printer, get comments back from their clients saying how great it is, how much they love the new system, when they get the interact with Good2Go on the review and approval side, as well as, we get a lot of comments back on how easy it is for them to actually move a file through their natural production, from onboarding of the file, to that initial preflight and check of the file to make sure that they understand what the problem says. There again, we we’ve entered in technology to assist them in that area, and then move it back out into their production as quickly as possible. We’ve been able to get a large number of clients that are starting to really enjoy the ins and outs so Good2Go every day.

To answer the second part of your question. What have we learned? Our customer base, one of the things that’s been great is they’ve been really good at coming back with feedback. We’ve learned about their needs for improvements and the UI which we’re always trying to make the product easier to use, faster to use for both the print buyer and our clients. We’ve gotten some like – we just launched a brand-new feature, which utilizes our partnership with Enfocus, which we use our automatic preflight, because we preflight every file that comes in, we check it for over 35 different conditions that can cause files to go lackey in print. I mean, we might try to point out the common ones first, low res images, fonts, trim page size, number of pages, that’s all stuff that’s automatic. Then, the PDF that goes into Good2Go gets that preflight done to it automatically.

But now we’ve taken customer suggestions for like, we had some clients say they want to build a quick overlay over existing – over client documents so they can show them that they got objects that are too close to the edge of the page, or they don’t have enough bleed, or that their folds are in the wrong place. So, we just launched what we call our automated key line layouts, which basically allow you to overlay a template over any of your documents to see these things. Again, we use the Enfocus technology in the background, to make all that happen.

So, we’re again, bringing a high-end feature to our clients. But one thing I will say, to kind of go back to the listening or communicating with our clients and the feedback that we get from them, our clients have given us almost – everything you see in Good2Go is always client driven. We set the foundation a year and a half ago, and everything that we’ve done since then, it’s all been driven from our customers telling us what they’d like to see next. That’s always, I think, going to be our mantra as we move forward with the product.


[00:21:43] SPEAKER 1: It’s been so busy lately. It’s hard to keep up. I sure wish we could automate some of the work we do. It sure would make life better and let us all catch our breath.

[00:21:51] SPEAKER 2: Hey, I just learned about a solution called Good2Go. It may just do the trick.

[00:21:56] SPEAKER 1: Tell me more.

[00:21:56] SPEAKER 2: Good2Go is a cloud-based solution that can help us automate our print approvals. It will save you tons of time tracking emails and trying to remember who you need to follow up with.

[00:22:06] SPEAKER 1: That sounds great. Can it work with our MIS?

[00:22:09] SPEAKER 2: Yes. They have a nicely defined REST API.

[00:22:12] SPEAKER 1: How about our CRM?

[00:22:14] SPEAKER 2: Yes. Good2Go is Zapier compatible, allowing it to work with over 5,000 applications and just about every CRM out there.

[00:22:21] SPEAKER 1: Didn’t we just buy some fancy workflow automation system for pre-press? What about that?

[00:22:26] SPEAKER 2: Yes, Good2Go has apps for Enfocus Switch, making it super easy to connect the two solutions.

[00:22:32] SPEAKER 1: Wow, that sounds too good to be true. I bet it costs a fortune.

[00:22:36] SPEAKER 2: Well, that’s the best part. Good2Go starts at just $50 per month.

[00:22:41] SPEAKER 1: That’s perfect. Sounds like we’re Good2Go.


[00:22:46] DC: I just want to go over a little housekeeping. So, no MIS system is required to use Good2Go. Is that correct?

[00:22:55] MR: Correct. Correct. We completely are our own standalone service. We do have an API that allows us to integrate with any MIS that also has a REST API that can all take place. And in fact, we’ll even help clients that are looking to do that thing. As well as we can integrate with other systems such as a CRM, customer relationship management system. I mean, anything that has a REST API we can hook into, as well as we’ve adopted technologies such as Zapier technologies, which is a no code platform, and that connects us in over 5,000 other applications in the Marketplace. We’ve also have integrated with Enfocus Switch, so now we can tie into their workflow automation solutions as well.

We’ve done a lot of work to tie into different solutions out there and do it in such a way that it’s easy for the clients to be able to work with. I mean, in Switch, if someone wants to add Good2Go review and approval, I can show them how to do it, in probably about 10 to 15 minutes.

[00:24:14] DC: Now, they would have to own Switch for that to happen, but they don’t have to own PitStop in order for to preflight files on Good2Go?

[00:24:23] MR: Correct. That’s exactly the question we get all the time. It’s like, “Do I have to buy PitStop Pro to use the preflight?” No, it’s all built in. We do it automatically. No additional charge. It’s all part of the system.

[00:24:36] DC: Just saying, that might be the price of entry, right there, for a lot of people. I mean, that is garbage in, garbage out, right? If you don’t catch it up front, you’re going to catch it where it costs you money at the back end of it. So, that’s not a good place for it to happen.

Okay, goodtogosoftware.com is the website. But again, everything you need is in the show notes. Click watch the demos. Talk to Michael. Michael, there are some people that believe that in the marketplace, we have people who respond to it, right? There are companies that respond to the marketplace and the needs of the marketplace. Then we have companies like Apple that says, “Screw the marketplace. We’re going to invent our own products and services and interject them into the marketplace.” You are an inventor. You are, at least I think that you are, a little mad software scientist over there. Do you feel that you’re answering the market here? Do you feel like you’re leading the market here a combo platter?

[00:25:39] MR: Well, it’s really a combo, is the way I look at it. Because in a lot of ways, a lot of the original things that we did with Good2Go was to take existing things, get it in the cloud, and make it easily accessible. That was step one. That’s like taking existing stuff and just trying to get it out to the marketplace, solve a problem. But we also have done, I think, a lot of innovative things, and we have some new innovative things coming too. Because we talk about the no code automation platforms. We see that is the future of workflow automation.

Outside of the printing industry, just about every business application is compatible with one or more of these no code platforms like Zapier. What it does for the companies out there that are using these technologies is a gives – if I’m Zapier compatible, I can talk to any other Zapier compatible application. I don’t have to go off and integrate with this CRM or that CRM. We’re instantly compatible with 20 different CRMs just by being Zapier compatible, and plus a whole slew of other business application.

If someone would want to offer text messaging alerts to Good2Go, they can do that through Zapier. There’s some really cool technology that is available out there that does all this stuff, and I can now build that into Good2Go. I can have an event that happens that sends a text message off to my clients, sent off to the client, tell them that, “Hey, you got a proof you need to do or we’re running behind. Please approve that proof now.” And you can do all that from Good2Go, through Zapier, out to a variety of different technologies.

Plus, if you want to be able to like do stuff, like encourage people to go and review your business after you’ve completed the job. Again, I can trigger that from Good2Go and send it through Zapier, and out to a variety of different applications that will automatically start bugging them about, “Hey, we need this printer and then tell them about their job. How good that they did.” All that good stuff. So, that’s all stuff that’s instantly there, doesn’t require – and none of this requires a rocket scientist to figure it out. I mean, has anyone used like one of the calendar applications for scheduling your appointments? Did you go to an integrator to make that happen?

[00:28:18] DC: No. But sometimes Zoom makes me want to go to an integrator.

[00:28:23] MR: I mean, sometimes, yes.

[00:28:25] DC: Sometimes Zoom and Google Calendar do not play nicely together.

[00:28:30] MR: Yes. Sometimes you do get those kinds of things. But for the most part, I use this Calendly. I can never get their name right.

[00:28:37] DC: Yes. Calendly or something like that.

[00:28:37] MR: It’s a beautiful application that got the world’s worst name, because it’s like you mispronounce right away. At least I do. I can’t get it. It’s like –

[00:28:46] DC: Well, they were trying to be clever. Calendly. Calendar-ly.

[00:28:49] MR: Yes. It just doesn’t work. Anyway, with that application to connect it to my Apple calendars and everything, that was so slick and so easy. That’s the kind of experience I want our clients to have with Good2Go and some of these other applications. I want to make it easy. That’s really, I think, the key to the future with these no code platforms.

But to get back to your original question about are we reacting to the market? Yes. Are we addressing customer’s need? Yes. Are we taking a position of leadership in some of the future technologies? I’d say yes. In fact, we actually filed a patent, our first patent here a few weeks ago, has to do with the AI technology, which we are really hot on. That’s all, I’m just going to leave it right there. Because we got a very big announcement coming out later this summer. Because I want to show people what we can really do with that technology in the printing industry, and it’s super, super cool.


[00:30:01] DC: Like what you hear? Leave us a comment. Click a few stars, share this episode, and please subscribe to the show. Are you interested in being the guest and sharing your information with our active and growing global audience? Podcasts are trending as a potent direct marketing and educational channel for brands and businesses who want to provide portable content for customers and consumers. Visit printmediacentre.com, click on podcasts, and request a partner package today. Share long and prosper.


[00:30:34] DC: Michael, this is the first of a podcast series we’re doing about Good2Go and you have curated some amazing guests for the following programming. Can you share a bit about each of them and what they are going to cover in the following podcast?

[00:30:49] MR: Sure. Well, as we talked about earlier, we got a couple podcasts that are really focused in on talking to some of our Good2Go customers, where we’re going to be talking to Caitlin Sullivan. She’s done some great work with Good2Go and proofing within their print shop. Then we also got Vivian. She’s a client of ours out of Central California. She has a print shop that they’ve been using Good2Go for a little bit of everything, actually managing their jobs, bringing them in through, and organizing them through their production. So, she has a really good story to tell. It’s very different than what we hear out of the Caitlin.

On the workflow side and the technology side, we have Andrea Mahoney. She is a Switch Integrator. She’s from Tri Bay in Canada. She’s been integrating Switch technology for my goodness, probably over 10 years, probably more like 15 or so, for a very long time. But she’s an expert in the integration of Switch and workflow automation for print, and she is just now coming up to speed with Good2Go due to our recent Switch apps that we’re about ready to release. She has some really good stories to talk about how that workflow automation connecting the ground to the cloud, and Cloud being Good2Go, ground being Switch, and how that interaction can actually bring the collaboration closer to workflow automation, because that’s really what it’s all about.

Because in Good2Go, it’s all about collaboration. Collaborating not only internally between different employees, but collaborating externally with your clients. What better place to do it than in the cloud, and keep jobs in the cloud as long as you can. Because you don’t want to have to money up the network with your servers with all these working files that get eliminated and changed and tossed around. You only want to when they are ready to print, come in, print those things, get them the heck out of here as quick as possible.

Anyways, but I digress. So, let’s go back to the podcast. The other person that we talked to is also Paul Kortman. He’s at Connex Digital. They are a Zapier integrate. They have been working with no code platforms for quite a long time. He’s got a really good story to talk about how the no code platforms have come in to the normal business world, the business world outside of the cleaning industry, and how it’s had a dramatic effect of how integrators like himself can now come in and offer a large variety of services very quickly, because of the ease of these no code platforms. Now, Good2Go is part of those platforms as well, so we’re also trying to help educate the market about what these platforms can do, and Paul is going to help us do that.

[00:33:58] DC: Excellent. Well, this has been a very comprehensive conversation. I was going to ask you why would somebody want to do business with you, or what makes you unique. But you’ve covered it a zillion times during this conversation. The one thing I would ask you if you care to share it, because I think what truly makes you unique is your pricing structure.

[00:34:23] MR: Sure, thank you. Part of making a solution for printers of any size means it has to be cost effective. If we’re not cost effective, we’re not achieving that. Good2Go starts at a single seat for $50 a month. That seat can be a person, it can be at the park. We don’t really care. Because most of our clients are using multiple seat products anyways, and we have a multi-seat product of five seats for 150 a month, and a 10-seat for 250. As you can see, that is extremely cost effective at $25 a seat, to be able to have access to automated preflight, review and approval, we got preflight dashboard. I mean, excuse me, improving dashboards that you can monitor, all that’s all part of the system, all built right in for that kind of money.

[00:35:25] DC: It’s so interesting, Michael, because you completely see it from a printer’s perspective. But I see it from a customer’s perspective. And $25 a month for that customer convenience of me understanding where my job is, getting communications that have direct links to exactly the next task on my plate that I have to do. I’m not digging through my own files on my end, and then looking at it from the printer’s perspective, in the sense that there’s no setup fees. You offer training, as far as I know. Yes. Is that correct?

[00:36:02] MR: That’s absolutely correct. We think that’s actually really important too. Because we want our clients to be successful. It’s not that Good2Go is really that difficult to learn. But we can show you in 15 minutes what might take you a couple of days to just stumble upon on your own, and we can show you, you tell us what you want to do with Good2Go, we show you the quickest and easiest way to do it, right from the get-go.

[00:36:27] DC: Well, Michael, thank you so much for joining me on this podcast and for sponsoring the podcast that will follow. As I’ve mentioned numerous times, everything everybody needs to know about Good2Go, set a meeting with Michael, listen to other podcasts, watch other videos, is in the show notes.

Until next time, everybody Good2Go long and prosper.


[00:36:53] DC: Thanks for listening to Podcasts from the Printerverse. Please subscribe, click some stars, and leave us a review. Connect with us through printmediacentre.com. We’d love to hear your feedback on our shows and topics that are of interest for future broadcasts. Until next time, thanks for joining us. Print long and prosper.



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