The Print Report: drupa 2024 Wrap-Up

On this episode of The Print Report, Deborah Corn and Pat McGrew discuss their highs and lows from drupa 2024, new products that are helping drive the industry forward, strides made in sustainability, exhibitor collaboration, and share some shout-outs to everyone who made drupa a success.


Mentioned in This Episode:


drupa Next Age (drupa DNA):

drupa daily:


Koenig & Bauer:






Frank Tueckmantel:





Busy Beaver Button Co.: 

Antigro Designer:

Pat McGrew:


Deborah Corn:

Print Media Centr:

Partner with Print Media Centr: 

Subscribe to News From The Printerverse: 

Project Peacock: https://ProjectPeacock.TV 

Girls Who Print:


[0:00:00] DC: Today, on the Print Report, we are live in Hall 7, drupa DNA.

[0:00:06] PM: And we’re going to be showing gratitude and appreciation for everybody who made this amazing two-week adventure happen.

[0:00:13] DC: Welcome to the Print Report with Deborah Corn and Pat McGrew, all the print that’s fit for news.


[0:00:22] DC: Hey everybody, welcome to Podcasts From the Printerverse. My name is Deborah Corn. I am the Intergalactic Ambassador to the Printerverse. I am also the official ambassador of drupa. I don’t know if people know that. We are here with the Print Report Podcast, which means I am here with my printy and reporty co-host, Pat McGrew. Hello, Pat McGrew.

[0:00:42] PM: I’m the one with my feet on the ground while she’s in the universe.

[0:00:48] DC: She could have used roller skates, a scooter, a Segway, a chariot of people pulling you around on horses, a sled.

[0:00:57] PM: Oh, that would have been lovely.

[0:00:57] DC: Dogs, anything, besides the Messe shuttle and your own little feet running across us 18 halls over the past 11 days.

[0:01:08] PM: Eight miles and days.

[0:01:10] DC: Nine days? Luckily, I have spent a lot of time in Hall 7 with the lovely drupa DNA exhibitors and speakers. So, my words go eight miles a day. But we’re going to use this time now to talk about everything that we’ve seen and experienced over these last eight days – no, I keep saying that. Ten days.

[0:01:33] PM: No. Eleven days.

[0:01:34] DC: It’s been longer than we think.

[0:01:35] PM: It has been?

[0:01:37] DC: So, we really wanted to share with everybody who will be listening to this podcast, after drupa is over. So, Pat, how do you want to start?

[0:01:45] PM: So, I think where I would start is where we started at the beginning of the show. When we came, we didn’t know who else was coming. We knew vendors were bringing a lot of equipment. We know that they had made that commitment. We know a lot of software people were bringing really well-polished demos, but we didn’t know if printers were coming. Then, we got here, and they came, and it’s been magnificent. So, we’ve had a chance to reengage as an industry, which I think as an industry, we need it.

[0:02:17] DC: I didn’t realize how much I needed it and we discussed that yesterday. So, people should go back and listen to our FOMO podcast. Everybody who’s not here, and they will now have fear of missing out on any of the drupa that ever happens. But you’re right. Seeing people after eight years, there are some people – I mean, I’ve spoken to them on Zoom, perhaps, but there are other people that I just have not seen in eight years and it was just so amazing to reconnect with them and to hear their happiness and enthusiasm over being at drupa. I mean, it wasn’t the printers. It was more the exhibitors and the people who work at the Messe too, I haven’t seen them in eight years.

[0:03:00] PM: But even if I think about all the printers I was speaking with, they needed to talk to people too, because they’ve been having the same experience we’ve had. They’ve been talking to their vendor suppliers over Zoom calls and they haven’t always been able to meet with them. Zoom’s great. God bless it. I’m so happy it exists. But when you’re actually sitting in talking with someone, you’ll think of something a little different. “Oh, I’m having this problem too and I’m having this problem too.” It’s more collaborative to be sitting together over a coffee than it is to be sitting together over a monitor.

[0:03:39] DC: Definitely. So, what are the highs and lows of your drupa experience?

[0:03:43] PM: For me, the highs are always just looking at the demonstration. So, spend a bunch of time back in the offset halls. Hanging around 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16, and really reinvigorating my offset knowledge which I was really delighted with. My flexo knowledge getting up to date on some of the changes in the formulations, changes in the substrates on that. Direct to film, getting good tutorial updates from all the vendors back there. Saw the most amazing inkjet printing on glass that makes it look like it’s etched.

[0:04:22] DC: Wow. Who’s just on that?

[0:04:23] PM: Xaar collaborated with Koenig & Bauer and Marabu for the ink, high-viscosity ink. When you spray it on the glass, it looks like it’s etched. You can’t tell. It’s just absolutely crazy. So, got to find really cool things like that. Got to meet – over in nine. The folks who do digital twins of manufacturing hardware. A lot of the vendors here in the Messe, these two weeks are using them for digital twins for their services solutions. That was really cool stuff to dig into.

That was all good. So, lots of highs over in that offset space and in the hybrid space where there’s a lot of machines now that are both digital and offset so that you can create some really spectacular printed products. Some of them are in the packaging industry. Some of them are in the more commercial side. Big highs in terms of technology, collaborations, and integrations. The big C word, right? In the software halls, collaboration is everywhere. It has been so cool to see. So, that’s a big hi for me. The low was the weather in the first week and a half.

[0:05:35] DC: That was going to be mine. The rain in the cold and the first couple of days.

[0:05:40] PM: Oh, my gosh. I mean, it got to – you had to kind of plan your path so that you didn’t get rained to death. It was –

[0:05:46] DC: Yes. With this hair, there’s no rain. I’m like a gremlin. Anybody ever seen the movie Gremlins? It can’t get wet after midnight. That’s like my hair.

[0:05:57] PM: Yes. Honestly, that’s like been my biggest downside, because I don’t mind the walking. I don’t mind eight miles a day, because I got to see so many cool things and just meet people randomly as I was walking. But I think we need to put in for better weather next time.

[0:06:12] DC: Yes. Well, luckily, this week has been really nice. Except for that one day that it just downpoured out of nowhere. I was like, “Why are all these people wet coming into Hall 7?”

[0:06:21] PM: Now, we know why.

[0:06:22] DC: Then luckily, I caught the quadrant up here between 8A, 8B, 7, and 9, which is where I was really going. So, you can do all of that inside. I was very happy about that. You touched upon a few of my highs. I see things in a different way and I also wasn’t able to run all over drupa, which is not such a bad thing, by the way. I was very happy to make Hall 7 my home base. But for me, collaboration is the story. When drupa said we create the future – I don’t – a lot of – there were some people who jumped on that and had wanted to understand what they meant by that. I think anyone who was at drupa understands that the we there is everybody. They could have used a comma together at the end, even though it was applied.

But that is exactly what I have seen and it is such a high too. We had some interesting times during the COVID, the COVID times, and there were rightly so people who started getting down on the printing industry is that, it started morphing and merging and changing, and needs change and volumes decreased, and will this ever come back? And should I invest in shows? Will people show up? But the fact that everybody who showed up here showed up ready Pat.

[0:07:55] PM: With their A team. With their smiles on. With their –

[0:08:03] DC: So, to all the industry analysts and journalists and people who write white papers and marketing, everything you did for the last four, eight years leading up to drupa, and everything that was done before the show, really helped people come here prepared to ask the next set of questions, or to understand technology more. Let’s just give a shout out to all of those entities out there who keep everybody informed. That’s a part of the collaboration.

[0:08:36] PM: Absolutely.

[0:08:37] DC: Everybody here, to your point, that worked together with other vendors, within other halls, I think the software partnerships was super important because it allowed people to see how it would manifest on their press, instead of just a fantasy conversation about it. So, there was a lot of interesting things going on. Yes, my low was definitely the rain. Any rain at a tradeshow, especially if you have to walk outside. There are certain instances where that outside could be a 15-minute walk. So, it was really good.

I have a question for you. I want to know if you think that the topic of artificial intelligence delivered in a way that there is actually a game plan for moving forward more so than just a concept that we all need to be prepared for, in a gimmicky manner, if you know what I mean?

[0:09:38] PM: Here’s what I will tell you. We came here, many of us, analysts, journalists, and consultants, we came expecting to hear a lot of artificial intelligence stories. We expected to see it on the signage. We expected to hear it really being pushed. It is here. It is in every hall somehow, some way. Sometimes It’s vocalized very loudly. Sometimes it’s very subtly embedded in the conversation. Sometimes it’s not part of the conversation at all, because it’s been buried in machinery. But there is not a single hall here not touched by AI.

The thing is that I think that with all the hype around ChatGPT over the last year, and with so many of personal tools that have come to market for people to use different types of AI, whether it’s large language models or multimodal models, you think that we almost got tired of hearing about it. So, we didn’t really ask a lot of questions, because we just assume everybody’s doing it and it’s fine.

Some of the best AI I’ve seen here has been the subtle AI, where very smart vendors have figured out how to leverage the use of these models and technologies to make their products better. And then there are the people who shout about it. So, the lovely folks over in Hall 5, the Scodix team, God bless them. Kit brought an AI-enabled enhancement tool, so that any designer anywhere on Earth, who does not have to be an InDesign expert or any other kind of design tool expert, because it will actually enhance the PDF output that they may not even have created. So, what they did is they spoke to ChatGPT and they said, “Make a million images for us of a lady with a face from the future” and then they put it through their engine and that’s their –

[0:11:37] DC: ChatGPT makes images?

[0:11:39] PM: Oh, yes. Yes. Yes.

[0:11:40] DC: Oh, the professional version?

[0:11:41] PM: Yes.

[0:11:43] DC: Okay. I use Dall-E, so that’s why.

[0:11:44] PM: I use Dall-E 2, then actually now Shutterstock has AI in it as well that I use. But at the end of the day, it’s here, but its importance is deprecated by how it’s been used, right? You don’t have to say AI. You can just say, we’ve added enhancing features.


[0:12:07] DC: Are you looking to elevate your game, take your bottom-line customer relationships and events to the next level? Then I want to work with you. I’m Deborah Corn, the Intergalactic Ambassador to the Printerverse. I engage with a vast global audience of print and marketing professionals across all stages of their careers. They are seeking topical information and resources, new ways to serve their customers and connect with them, optimize processes for their communications and operations, and they need the products and services and partnership you offer to get to their next level.

Print Media Centr offers an array of unique opportunities that amplify your message and support your mission across the Printerverse. Let’s work together, bring the right people together, and move the industry forward together. Link in the show notes. Engage long and prosper.

[0:13:09] DC: What have you seen anything that is actually new and not an evolution of something else?

[0:13:16] PM: One of my favorites, is the guys Frontline over in Hall 9 with their digital twin technology. They’re not the only ones here doing it. But I love the way they exhibited it and showed the power of it. So, we’ve talked about digital twins in technology for years. Digital twins are literally what they sound like if you’re a hardware manufacturer, it’s basically bringing the CAD drawings that built your machine to life. Using that to enable preventive maintenance, instruction, customer education, all sorts of different things you can do with a digital twin.

The guys over at Frontline have become specialists in building digital twins for the printing industry, which then enable printers to do their own maintenance without having to wait for the maintenance guy to get on a plane and fly to them. Sometimes that can be pretty painful. That technology from a step advance, step evolution, to me that was a really important piece to see because it’s an enabling technology.

[0:14:19] DC: Did drupa deliver on their sustainability mission? From a vendor standpoint, not from a management standpoint?

[0:14:28] PM: I think very largely, they did. Many of the biggest vendors, we’re a printing show and there’s going to be print, you would like to think that the print will not go directly into recycling. I mean, that would be ideal. I think that there was a real effort on the part of most of the major vendors to make sure that that was not the case. The touchpoint packaging area over in three was always full, with a lot of questions. Their stage presentations were always well-attended. People asking really hard questions, so brand people as well as producers asking hard questions. You think that, it wasn’t 100% successful. Were 100% of the things produced here used somehow? No.

[0:15:13] DC: Okay. I apologize because I didn’t really mean that. I meant, are the exhibitors telling a clear sustainability story? Did they deliver on the need for the printing industry to have a an accurate, authentic message around sustainability for the world?
[0:15:34] PM: I give it a B minus.

[0:15:36] DC: Okay, elaborate.

[0:15:38] PM: How did I get to B minus? So, I think I’m going to give it a B minus, because I think that you will find kiosks in almost every major vendor with that sustainability word on it. It doesn’t mean that they actually have a sustainable story.

[0:15:52] DC: That’s what I mean. And where billing as is, this sustainability being the profit.

[0:15:57] PM: I think that a lot of them did it with sincerity and authenticity. I think for some, it was just a word on a kiosk, which is why I’d give it a B minus. I think, some of them, we’ve talked on other podcasts this week, about some of the different efforts of creating things that will go to student books, that will provide magazines for people who are economically challenged to sell to make some money. We’ve talked about those projects. We’ve talked about the requirement that some of the vendors had, that everything they produced be usable. We have the React magazine here in the DNA space, and that was produced under one of those umbrellas of sustainability because it needed to be used. But at the same time, I think for some it was still a word on a kiosk and not really something that they could speak about authentically.

[0:16:48] DC: Well, just a little shout-out to one of our drupa DNA exhibitors, CarbonQuota. If you need help telling an authentic sustainability story, check them out. For sure. They convinced me.

[0:16:58] PM: But can I tell you about one where I saw that actually surprised me? So, I was over in BOBST. And BOBST a big company, big stories to tell. When I asked for the workflow demo, right there on the screen is your carbon, your CO2 footprint by the job of everything you’re doing as well as your emissions. That’s now part of their standard reporting for everything in the BOBST connect workflow universe. I love that.

[0:17:26] DC: That’s amazing. So, what else – were there a lot of paper companies here? Were their substitutes? Where are they?

[0:17:34] PM: Oh, my God, they’re all over in Hall 4, and oh, my God, there are some amazing substrates. So, one of the things that you know, on the digital print side of our lives, very often we’re substrate-constrained because of trying to get the ink to stick, right? But in the commercial side, and the offset side, that’s not typically the case. That’s where you see some amazing, amazing papers come to light. But we’ve also seen some new digital papers come that are like gum-backed, that allow you to now with your digital press, create things that will stick to a wall, which is really cool.

But the other thing that we saw is an awful lot of new substrates for display, for backlit displays, a ton of new substrates that were textured in a way that when you lay ink on them, it creates a whole new experience. So, over in 4, wall to wall, and they were from everywhere. They were from Asia. They were from India. They were from Africa. They were from South America. They were from North America. There were paper vendors from everywhere, and all with really amazing stories to tell. Yes, it was all buried in Hall 4. So, if you didn’t ever have a reason to go from five to one, you might have missed them.

[0:18:48] DC: I definitely did not have a reason to go from five to one. Those are very far from here, believe it or not, even though we’re just in seven. Well, I guess, five, that’s not really too far.

[0:18:57] PM: It’s not too far.

[0:18:58] DC: Five is right across the street and I only got in yesterday because Frank Tueckmantel Manta, let me out of drupa DNA for five minutes to go across the street.

Let’s use the last couple of minutes here for some shout-out, thank yous. Okay. Do you have any. You go first.

[0:19:15] PM: Oh, I have tons of them. So, first of all, I was here working with the drupa daily, and this is the most Herculean task known to mankind to put out a daily magazine every single day of the show. The preparation began months ago. We actually began writing a lot of these evergreen articles months ago, so that we had content when we first got here. But the team sitting upstairs, taking all the articles from the journalist like me who were writing for them, getting them translated into German because our mission was that every drupa daily article would be in both English and German, trying to build a workflow that would make that work was a Herculean task.

So, the team upstairs doing the layout, doing all that work, were just amazing. The people upstairs editing the videos that were captured by the drupa daily team, what they think team. I love every one of them and they were amazing. So, I definitely would like to – if you’ve picked up a drupa daily here or if you’re reading it online, the work that went into that were those were 20-hour days, some days to make all those miracles happen.

I won’t say there are no mistakes. There were mistakes. There were some pre-press mistakes. There were some other mistakes.

[0:20:29] DC: Photo choices?

[0:20:29] PM: Photo choices didn’t always go as planned. But the effort was Herculean, and I truly, truly appreciate everything they did. The other people I hugely appreciate are the food vendors. So, all the guys with the food trucks that are parked out here, every last one of them, the guys with the pretzel stands, the Linnaeus ice cream people, the Flying Dutchman out there with his currywurst.

[0:20:57] DC: I love it.

[0:20:59] PM: You love their currywurst. The food trucks made it possible for all of us to be able to eat on the run. While that’s never a great idea, it made it possible. So, even if you’re out at Hall 8, there are food trucks out there. There are food trucks kind of hidden between each one of the little interspaces among the halls. That made drupa a doable thing from morning to night because we were getting over here well ahead of show open. Sometimes we’re here after show closed, so having those food trucks has really been amazing. Even if I didn’t eat every one of them, gosh, they smelled good.

[0:21:35] DC: That is totally true.


[0:21:37] PM: If what you’re doing isn’t helping you grow, let McGrewGroup help you fix that. Better sales talk tracks, more compelling print samples, and winning workflow strategies can be yours. With decades of experience in transaction, direct mail, and commercial print, as well as years of marketing expertise, we can help with business and production strategies. CCM advice and develop your content. McGrewGroup is ready to help you grow, expand, optimize, and thrive. Drop us a note on LinkedIn, or at our website,


[0:22:12] DC: Anything else for –

[0:22:14] PM: And just everybody working the halls. I mean, the Messe team, who I know you’re going to recognize, but every vendor who came and put their best foot forward.

[0:22:24] DC: Yes. I’m actually going to start with HP, Mimaki, and Canon who hosted incredible Girls Who Print events at drupa and have launched a movement across Europe. A special shout-out to [inaudible 0:22:47] who’s now at HP. Going to miss you, Natasha. Danna Drion from Mimaki, who is our first official, Girls Who Print Europe advisory board member. I just know with her and her passion, that Girls Who Print is going to overtake the continent, as well as the passion and partnership of [inaudible 0:23:11], and everyone at Canon. Mia, and of course, all of the women who came to either Hall 17, Hall 8A, or Hall 9, and Cindy van Luke, who ran all over drupa.

[0:23:30] PM: And who is doing jumping-jacks right now with excitment.

[0:23:36] DC: She’s from 4Ps, and she recruited everybody to come and join us. It was just so amazing to see the younger women of the industry, networking with the established women of the industry. We had some internships happen. We had some partnerships happen.

[0:23:57] PM: Even some new jobs happen, which I have recently discovered.

[0:24:01] DC: We have new jobs happening. I have to say, one of my favorite moments, was when the team of the Ukrainian women from Cloudprinter met a woman from Ukraine who worked at Mimaki, and it was as if someone from their hometown had become a movie star. They were crying. They were so proud that somebody from their community had made it in a global corporation. I was so touched and moved by how they were embraced by Mimaki, and at the Canon event, they came back, and there were even more discussions with everybody there. It’s something I really can’t put words into.

[0:24:49] PM: Deborah, let me add one thing to that. We talked about being in the HP standard, the Canon standard, the Mimaki standard. But you have to understand, people from every vendor came. So, last night, in the Canon event, I’m talking to Screen. I’m talking to Kyocera. I’m talking to HP people in the Canon stand –

[0:25:08] DC: What’s Julie’s company again?

[0:25:08] PM: Ultimate Tech.

[0:25:09] DC: Ultimate Tech. She was there too.

[0:25:12] PM: Yes. It was just brilliant.

[0:25:12] DC: The night before as well. HP was also at Mimaki. I mean, that is what I’m all about. Put the logos away and let’s get things done. And I have to say, through the partnership of Danna, and Jennifer, they feel the exact same way. So, we are only going to go even further. Of course, I recruited some from Sweden, to Italians, all the places I would love to have a Girls Who Print events. So, thank you everybody for that support. Also, I’d like to say, a shout-out to Beaver Button Co.

[0:25:48] PM: God bless them and their buttons. They’re everywhere.

[0:25:52] DC: Whom a woman-owned button company that I work with in Colorado. Even though we had a little problem with customs, I did manage to get 1,750 buttons over to Germany, of which I have about 10 left.
[0:26:08] PM: I have none.

[0:26:10] DC: There are people walking around the Messe wearing buttons. It is the most –

[0:26:13] PM: And asking about them, which the other thing is that when you see one, you go, “Oh, wait a minute. Yes, I want one of those.” We also have a number of allies wearing them.

[0:26:23] DC: We do. The other thing is that I know for example, Canon ran out of buttons a couple of times because they were taking them off their own badges and shirts to make sure –

[0:26:33] PM: I did that a bunch of times.

[0:26:34] DC: – to make sure that people could have them. So, I can’t say enough about how proud I am about the impact that Girls Who Print is having around the world. Again, if it wasn’t for being here, I would not know this. Everybody is just people who register for my newsletter, sign up for the newsletter, or come to a webinar, or come to an online event. But I don’t get to see them and shake their hand and look at their eyes and hear their story and understand more how I can help them connect. So, just thank you everybody for that.


[0:27:12] DC: Like what you hear? Leave us a comment. Click a few stars, share this episode, and please subscribe to the show. Are you interested in being the guest and sharing your information with our active and growing global audience? Podcasts are trending as a potent direct marketing and educational channel for brands and businesses who want to provide portable content for customers and consumers. Visit, click on podcasts, and request a partner package today. Share long and prosper.


[0:27:46] DC: I have to thank the team from Antigro Designer, again. I know we’ve mentioned it a million times. But without them working on this, WeAreDrupa project, made be just so happy to see everyone’s smiling faces on the banner in the back of the room. There will be plenty of photos of it and news coverage hopefully after drupa. But regardless, it’s something to – Antigro Designer is a company to check out, a company to watch. And if they have something that you think you’re interested in, talk to them. I call them the minions because they just get everything done and they wear yellow shirts.

[0:28:26] PM: They do. They get everything – they are the minions. And they get everything done with a smile. I have to tell you, they’ve not had the easiest job here trying to juggle everything, but just non-stop smiles.

[0:28:38] DC: Yes. They’re manning two halls to make this happen. So, they have really been amazing. I need to give a shout-out to the team at the Messe. Ben, obviously, Sabina Gelderman, Sabina Wall. Oh, my God, the PR people, drupa and from America, Messe and PR, and there’s lot of ands in Germany, so I give them names. But they will all know who they are by me saying that.

This experience being invited to and I will get to my co-host in one moment, but being invited to be part of drupa DNA was something I wasn’t really sure. I mean, I was happy to run a theater, but I wasn’t sure how it was going to work.

[0:29:21] PM: What’s the first rule? We always say what?

[0:29:24] DC: We say yes.

[0:29:25] PM: And figure it out later.

[0:29:25] DC: And we figure it out later. But shortly after I had been invited to participate in drupa DNA, they got in touch with me, and the Messe got in touch with me and said that they thought that working with Frank Tueckmantel, formerly of EFI, now runs his own marketing and engagement company, consulting, would be a good partnership. I had never met Frank in all of his years.

[0:29:57] PM: We call Frank Tueckmantel the voice of God in our industry because he is yes. Yes, we know that voice.
[0:30:04] DC: He was just a name that I had one of these people high up in a company that I had never had any, any engagement with. Just as a luck of a draw, we had met at an event in Las Vegas at the Connect Event, and we ended up having a great time speaking. A couple of weeks later, on the Messe, let us know that we’d be working together and it really has been one of my favorite partnerships that I have ended up having now.

Look, all partnerships have their moment. We had a moment in the beginning. But the way that we recovered and got over it and respected what everybody ended up bringing to the table, there were things that Frank managed – his perspective of the industry has been invaluable to me. I’ve learned so much from him. He’s here now. I just want to say thank you. Danke schön. Thank you so much for everything, Frank. You really were the oil in this engine that kept it going. Every speaker on the stage. Everybody who saw somewhere on a schedule, that there was a session. That was all Frank’s doing. I’m just the promotion person. But Frank, seriously, the success is equally yours to everybody else. So, thank you so much.

[0:31:29] PM: I think we’re there.

[0:31:30] DC: Oh, one last one shot-out. To the AV team in the Messe.

[0:31:34] PM: Oh, thank you AV team. You’re wonderful. We love you.

[0:31:38] DC: Not just Mark behind the scenes who has been making sure that all the slides and the presentations and the sound have been amazing. But to our video crew as well, who has been – I mean, this poor guy stands all day long, while the editor edits next to them. As of yesterday, they told me they had edited 54 sessions, and they won’t even hear all of the days of the Messe. But that is how much work that Frank and I honestly put in before we started here. And the last shout-out goes to all the exhibitors in the drupa DNA hall. It has been amazing getting to know every single one of them, and what they do, and what they’re bringing to the marketplace to help us all move forward, to help us all create the future together. Any final words, Pat?

[0:32:34] PM: Just a big shout-out to everybody who took the time to come to drupa.

[0:32:39] DC: Attendees. Visitors.

[0:32:40] PM: It means that you took time away from your business to come here to learn more and to maybe buy, maybe just research. But you took time away from your business. I think that’s the value of the event.

[0:32:54] DC: I do. And with that, we’re going to wrap it up. I just want to say for the last time, thank you so much for joining us. Until next time, print long and prosper.


[0:33:06] DC: Thanks for listening to Podcasts From the Printerverse. Please subscribe, click some stars, and leave us a review. Connect with us through We’d love to hear your feedback on our shows and topics that are of interest for future broadcasts. Until next time, thanks for joining us. Print long and prosper.


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